
Spreading Word Of Your Brand New Business

30th December 2016

Spreading word of a new business is always hard. If you’re starting at a small level and have small goals, you might think things will be easier for you, because you’re not competing with the big fish, but business isn’t that simple. Merely capturing the attention of consumers at all is difficult, whether your reach…

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What you should be looking out for from Social Media in 2017:

30th December 2016

From the many hours I have spent working across social media platforms in 2016, I can certainly see that is has both grown and advanced for the positive, especially towards those using it for business purposes. Everyday users have seen that they are far more likely to grab the attention of brands by using social…

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How to Get Verified on Twitter – The Ultimate Guide:

29th December 2016

For those of you, who just like me, that love Twitter then you will be very familiar what the blue tick means and the effect that this magical little icon means. For those outside of this zone, a blue tick on Twitter means that your account has been verified by Twitter and besides your account…

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Thanks to Social Media, I’m earning £1,000’s monthly:

29th December 2016

It is important to understand the difference between social media helping us to sell compared to directly selling. We all have our marketing channels out there from using local newspapers to our websites, adverts on our company cars to email marketing campaigns, these all drive interest, traffic and enquiries, but how many of us record…

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Make Your Business Securer With These Simple Steps

28th December 2016

All business owners want their companies to be safe and secure. Not only does this benefit their employees’ personal safety, but it also means that there is no risk that any sensitive information or data that you handle in the office will be lost or stolen. So there is no wonder that many businesses and…

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5 simple steps to banish public speaking nerves for good

28th December 2016

Nothing strikes fear into you like being asked to give a presentation at work. Tense team meetings? Fine. Dealing with stressed clients? No problem. Taking on a major project all by yourself? Piece of cake. But stand up in front of 10 or more people and deliver a speech? Now that’s where your nerves give…

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Accept Losses in Forex Trading

26th December 2016

Forex trading is all about taking risks. Most people are more inclined to take risks when their risks are leading to profits; however, when a winning streak ends and all your hard work is leading to losses, the level of risks may decrease. Or, for some people, a losing streak may lead to unnecessary risks.…

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Why Van Santen Network is wishing everyone a harmonious 2017

23rd December 2016

It’s a Van Santen Network tradition to send the world a themed inspirational Christmas wish each year. Owner Christian van Santen feels that ‘connecting’ is more important than ever in the coming year: “Together, we can achieve more.” Van Santen Network would like to wish you all a harmonious 2017. To reinforce that message, we’ve…

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New Casino Games to Explore This Christmas

23rd December 2016

Christmas is here yet again, and brings with it, the opportunity to have some fun while all the celebrations are all along the way. It will be interesting to play your favourite slot games at the convenience of your desktops, laptops, and mobile devices. You can choose from a range of new and delightful Christmas…

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Conference Training and What You Need to Know

22nd December 2016

A fantastic way to improve the capability in the workplace is to provide training courses. The benefits for both your company and your employees includes factors such as, Improvement standards and quality of work, planning out the targets and goals for the company and being able to efficiently acknowledge the adjustment to change. With training…

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What Tricks Can Startups Use to Ensure They Gain a Competitive Advantage?

20th December 2016

Startups don’t always hang around for very long. Unfortunately, they can fail quickly and sink without a trace. No business owner wants this to happen to their startup business, but that’s the reality that you will need to confront. What steps are you going to take in order to ensure that your business has a…

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Taking Your Business Digital Doesn’t Have To Be Quite So Overwhelming

20th December 2016

Nowadays, digital is the way to go. Between accessing the power of the internet and using the connectivity of business networks, it’s fast becoming true that you can’t afford to not establish some sort of tech component in your business. But we know how the idea of getting into tech can be intimidating to new…

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