
Professional Help Starting a Business

1st July 2016

A business advisor is a consultant who provides information for business owners that will enable their organisation to run more effectively. This consultancy may take place on a single occasion, when a particular problem needs to be addressed, or it might be on a regular basis, offering recurrent advice sessions for a client. Business evaluation…

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Business License Secrets You Wish You Knew One Year Ago

24th June 2016

If your city or state requires a business license, then operating without one can lead to fines or the closure of your company. However, many small businesses are not aware of the regulations and falsely believe the rules do not apply to them. You may need a business license even if you are self-employed, do…

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Per Wickstrom Explains Why Every New Business Needs a Solid Company Policy

23rd June 2016

When starting a new business there is so much to do that one of the most commonly overlooked areas is in establishing a company policy. Unlike a business model that details what you hope to accomplish and how you intend to get there, a company policy is more of a ‘how to’ manual for your…

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How to Use Social Media to Market a Trading Company

21st June 2016

There isn’t a marketer alive who doesn’t know about the power of social media when promoting a business of any kind, but the thing is, do new trading companies understand just how effective social media can be in bringing traders to their brokerage? If you are starting a trading company of any kind, especially in…

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William Hill goes live on Betfect

16th June 2016

It is generally accepted that access to data, being able to share information quickly in a cost effective manner, makes for better businesses and society as a whole. Take Uber for example, the sharing of the data, in this case the locations of registered drivers, has led to a revolution in the taxi industry that…

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Top Reasons Why You Should Consider Flyer Printing for Your Business   

15th June 2016

Living in today’s modern world has its advantages and disadvantages especially when it comes to marketing. Online Marketing has been the rave for many years, but this style of marketing doesn’t seem to speak directly to customers. E-Mail Blasts, Pop-Ups, and Banner Ads are okay in their own rights, but they’re annoying when searching for…

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What Makes a Successful Digital Marketing Strategy?

15th June 2016

Implementing a winning marketing campaign that gets the results you’re after is all down to fine tuning the key components of your strategy. Digital marketing like what Digital Spotlight offers plays a huge part in how successful your strategy will be, and even on a small budget, it’s possible to create a winning formula. Ranking…

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How do people spend gambling money?

15th June 2016

The world of gaming and online casino offers a huge variety of options to suit anyone’s needs. Finding the best game to spend your money on not only ensures the added pleasures of gaming thrill and fun, it also increases your odds of winning real money. While your own luck is usually a major aspect…

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3 Novel Ways to Keep in Touch With your Customers Online

14th June 2016

Keeping in touch with your customers is a must – it is today, and it has always been. First, because you need their valuable feedback about the products or services you offer, no matter if they’re free play casino games or industrial equipment. Second, because if customers know that they can reach out to you every…

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How can mobile marketing support social media campaigns?

7th June 2016

It would be next to impossible to go through a day in the Western world and not see multiple people checking up on their social network on a smartphone. Smartphone social media usage in America alone, for 2013, came in at 97,900,000 active users, and popularity is only growing; forecasts from the same source indicate…

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How can mobile marketing help to boost your social media?

7th June 2016

It would be next to impossible to go through a day in the Western world and not see multiple people checking up on their social network on a smartphone. Smartphone social media usage in America alone, for 2013, came in at 97,900,000 active users, and popularity is only growing; forecasts from the same source indicate that,…

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The Power of Social Media – Using Twitter when trading stocks and shares

6th June 2016

Investing in stocks and shares was once the privilege of the wealthy, money went to money and it was like for many years until the internet arrived and trading online opened up the stock market to ordinary people and gave them the opportunity to make their fortunes, or as in most cases just a better…

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