Business Admin To Tidy Up Before the New Year
It’s the time of year when everyone seems to be winding down and getting ready for some time away and out of the office. However, it’s also the time when you’ll need a boost of energy so that you can take care of your admin tasks. Tying up loose ends and ensuring that everything is…
Read MoreTips & Tricks to Pay Off the Debt
Almost every one of us wants to know about the way to get rid of the debt which constantly hovers over their head and makes them worried. They are many ways in which you can easily pay of your debt. Here are few tips that can you help you get started with the process of…
Read MoreHow to get the best out of your workforce
One of the major challenges for any business with employees is to keep them as happy and productive as possible. Fully appreciating how important your employees are and taking the time to get the very best out of each one is key to continued business success. That is especially true once your business has been…
Read MoreHate Conflict? Here’s How to Deal with It in the Workplace
Conflict at work is an unavoidable part of life. We all have arguments with our colleagues from time to time, and that’s all part of life. However, conflict, when it isn’t dealt with correctly, can fester and grow until it effects everyone in the building and makes it difficult for you to run the business…
Read MoreBusiness Signage, Your First Chance to Make a Lasting Impression
Picture yourself outside on a charismatically warm and sunny day, the ambient temperature rising, birds chirping gleefully, nothing but clear skies as far as the eye can see. You find yourself wandering around the business district of a bustling city. Being new to the area, and your cellphone having just run out of data, navigating…
Read MoreHow to Maintain a Happy and Productive Workforce
In the hustle and bustle of the modern working world, stress, anxiety, depression and insomnia are symptoms common across many overworked people. With the amount of work hours needed to keep the rent paid and stomachs full, more and more employees are starting to suffer from lower productivity and lack of motivation. Chronic stress amongst…
Read MoreHow employee engagement can enhance customer experience
Over the years, a multitude of studies have shown that dissatisfaction with employees is unlikely to provide good customer service, no matter what industry you’re in. However, you probably don’t need a study to tell you that if your employees are not engaged with their jobs, they are probably not representing your business to the…
Read More10 Commandments for Your Office
If you are looking for some more structure to your office space, then you have come to the right place. This infographic provides you with 10 of the best office commandments that will resolve unnecessary disputes and encourage maximum productivity while at work. A few of the commandments mentioned include: No Loud Music Background music…
Read MoreA Business Is Only As Good As Its People
As a small business owner, you probably already know some of the pain which comes with recruitment. From the very start, your employees will make your life hard, creating additional work and soaking up your time. Of course, without them, you wouldn’t be able to get anything done, so it makes sense that you keep…
Read MoreRecent Key Shifts in Approaches to Branding For Small Businesses
2017 has seen some great insight into what makes for successful branding strategies for small businesses and while because it is a fast moving niche it is vital to constantly re-evaluate your approach, by following some of these trends and sometimes even taking a leap to set your own you can become a real mover…
Read MoreTop 5 Tips for Ensuring Lone Work Safety
As a business owner, you’re not just focused on generating as much profit as possible. You also need to take care of your resources, and that means you also need to look out for the welfare of your employees. This is especially important when you have situations wherein an employee has to work alone. Lone…
Read MoreIntroducing The Superhero Workforce
A working environment is home to a variety of different personalities and skills. There will always be people that you get along with more than others, but there is no denying that the people you work with either make it a bearable or tedious experience. The warehouse management specialists PeopleVox understand just how important it…
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