
6 things employers look for on your CV

16th February 2016

If you’re applying for a new job, your first step is to get your CV up to date. This is the first thing an employer will use to make a shortlist of applicants, so it’s important that you include all the right information and know how to make yours stand out from the rest. Below…

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10 Important Rules for Starting Your Own Business

21st January 2016

Starting a business can be an exciting time, but it also comes with many different challenges. However, by following a few important rules you can help to get your business off to a successful start. Here are 10 essential guidelines new business owners should abide by to give themselves the best chances of success. 1.If…

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CV Writing Tips from Experts

21st January 2016

With such a competitive jobs market it pays to get your CV to standout for the right reasons. By following this list of advice, given by recruitment experts, you will have all the support you need to land your dream job. Be brief and to the point. There is no need to discuss all your…

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Business Expenses You Can Reduce to Increase Your Bottom Line

21st January 2016

It is a well-known fact that the more you spend the less you will profit when running a business and this is why so many small to medium businesses are learning how to cut expenses. Of course, logic dictates that there are some areas you simply cannot scrimp on but other areas which can benefit…

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6 tips to maximize SMB growth in 2016

18th January 2016

Are you frustrated with the rate at which your business is expanding? Maybe there’s a better way of doing things. A new year should signal a new approach to business, so to maximise the growth potential of your company, and make 2016 the year you hit the big-time, follow these tips for success… Web Hosting…

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Behind The Scenes: What Exactly Goes Into Creating Some Of The Biggest & Most Creative Commercial Vehicles?

30th December 2015

Whether it is planes, trains or automobiles, one thing unites all commercial vehicles: they need to look the part. We might take it for granted, but the look of large transportation is vital – it’s the biggest, boldest display a business has of its brand. It sets the tone to customers in a good and…

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How to kick start your career in online marketing

10th December 2015

Online marketing is among the most rapidly-moving job choices in the digital world, but there’s a lot of competition for some of the plum roles. So how do you make your mark? Here are four suggestions: Read! Keeping up with the latest industry moves is essential. New research and methodology arrives on the internet every…

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getty images suing you over Copyright Infringement?

5th December 2015

without prejudice: First of all, our opinion, which we are fully entitled to: “The way that getty images go about scaring small businesses with legal emails and letters demanding £1,000’s of pounds of compensation is a total disgrace and a damning act to take on their behalf as they build up an army of ‘potential…

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The Importance of a Business Directory Listing

12th November 2015

Getting your company listed in an online business directory is one of the most basic, cost effective ways of building brand awareness and gaining new clients. The internet has made it easier for entrepreneurs to gain global awareness, sometimes in days or even hours. Business directories function as repositories which allow potential customers to look…

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Selling Your Company – Some Key Points

16th September 2015

Selling a company is a large undertaking, and needs to be taken quite seriously in order to successfully sell the business and secure the price you are looking for. There are many factors to consider when preparing to sell your company, and it is likely you will need the help of some skilled professionals to…

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Unified Communications and Modern Technology.

16th July 2015

Modern technology is a glorious thing, always changing and bringing us the next best thing that consumers and business clamour over, looking to add interest, convenience and efficiency into our lives. A big part of the direction technology is headed is means to communicate, and with that the development and implementation of unified communications. What…

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Is Your Offline Office Space Damaging Your Online Offerings?

18th June 2015

In the marketing world, or the tech world, where everything is online, you want to show off everything about your company, and let the personality of the team and its culture shine through. Of course some things about your work have to be physical, but these should integrate with your overall ethos and online persona.…

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