
Are You Who You Say You Are?

12th February 2019

It’s not what you do; it’s who you know. You’ve heard the saying a hundred times before, and it’s fair to say that networking can, indeed, play a significant role in your business future. However, modern strategies and technologies are actively modelling new priorities in the business sphere, encouraging people not only to network but…

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Information Technology Service Providers: Why You Should Outsource Rather Than Hire

31st January 2019

It is without a doubt that the world we live in today thrives on technology. It was once said that “knowledge is power”. Well, in the world today, knowledge is also money. Being able to collect, store, and interpret data is one of the most important parts of running a business these days. After all,…

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Modern Tech That Could Save Your Business

25th September 2018

There are a lot of things about the modern world that have fundamentally changed the way that a lot of businesses function. One thing that has changed more than just about anything else is technology. There’s no denying that the modern world is one that is almost certainly ruled by technology and businesses are no…

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Turning A Smartphone’s Snapper Into A Tool For Business

24th July 2018

It’s almost impossible to live without a smartphone in the modern world. These devices are everywhere, in the pockets of almost all of the people you see on the streets, and pretty much all of them are equipped with cameras. Of course, when a tool like this is so common, it’s worth taking advantage of…

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Looking to the future: Predicting the workplace in 2025

10th July 2018

It’s hard to predict what the future holds, but through studying research conducted in the present day and looking at the technology we have now; predicting what may be just around the corner, becomes easier to understand. Technology has developed immensely over the past 10 years and it’s fascinating to compare the products and software…

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From Paper to Product: Moulding a Magic Mobile Idea into Reality

9th July 2018

You have ideas bubbling in your mind about creating a mobile based business idea. You are fascinated by the digital world of today and how everybody seems to hop on the bandwagon when new apps, games and digital products come out into the world. When it comes to business you are pretty knowledgeable about how…

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Cell phones connecting people together

5th July 2018

These are portable devices which use the cellular network to make and receive calls all around the world. These days people use their cell phones to connect and surf the internet. They are useful for opening websites such as casinos online, downloading apps, paying bills and many more. Cell phones have made it easy for…

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No Business Is Too Small (Or Too Old) To Invest In Technology

22nd June 2018

They say there’s no school like the old school, and while your business may pride itself on an old fashioned, traditional sensibility, you do it a disservice by keeping it stuck in the past. In today’s fast paced, technologically driven climate in which the digital marketplace seems to take precedence over brick and mortar it’s…

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4 Reasons You Shouldn’t Attempt A Low-Tech Business

22nd June 2018

The idea of a low-tech business is somewhat romanticised in the modern world. A business that operates simply, that has a physical location and deals with paperwork as actual pieces of paper; it sounds like such a wonderful idea.   Modern business is undoubtedly rather confusing. If you’re not a particularly tech-savvy person, the idea…

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Are Cross-Border Money Transfers Going the FinTech Way?

22nd June 2018

Data released by U.S.-based Pew Research Centre suggests that migrants working the world over sent around $574 billion to their home countries as remittances in 2016. Until the turn of the last century, the field of international remittances was basically the domain of banks and a handful of high street forex brokers. By using technology…

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Hardwearing: Finding The Pieces For Your Server Room

25th April 2018

As the world of IT and computing gets bigger and bigger, more businesses than ever are having to adopt their own infrastructure to cope with it. With software tools dominating the world of admin, design, and several other fields, and these machines being at the heart of almost all modern power tools, it’s easy to…

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Making Your Business More Secure against the Modern Cybercrimina

16th March 2018

Technology really is advancing. After all, now you have things like cloud computing, social media, analytics and even big data packages. These were not around 10 or 20 years ago, and it has made our lives so much easier. The problem is that with all these new technologies available, cybercrime is at an all-time high…

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