Serviced Offices: The Future of Flexible Business Spaces

By Marketme | 13th September 2024

The way we work has shifted dramatically over the past few years. Remote working, hybrid setups, and flexible hours are now the norm, and businesses are adapting to these changes by rethinking their office spaces. Enter serviced offices—fully equipped, ready-to-use spaces that offer flexibility and convenience without the headaches of long-term commitments or hefty overhead…

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The Benefits of LED Lighting Tower Hire

By Marketme | 13th September 2024

When temporary lighting is required for projects such as construction, outdoor events, or emergencies, LED lighting tower hire offers a range of benefits. As businesses increasingly prioritize energy efficiency and sustainability, LED lighting has become a popular choice. Hiring LED lighting towers allows you to access these benefits without the high upfront costs of purchasing…

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Geosec Ground Engineering to Participate in Regen 2024 and ESS Contamination & Land Remediation Expo

By Marketme | 6th September 2024

We are excited to announce that Geosec Ground Engineering will be participating in two highly anticipated industry events next week: Regen 2024 and the ESS Contamination & Land Remediation Expo. These events are key opportunities for us to showcase our latest innovations in ground stabilization and non-intrusive solutions for subsidence and ground instability. Regen 2024…

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Make social media work for your brand.

By Marketme | 14th March 2014

Do you need 5 basic tips to make social media work for you? Recently I spoke to small groups of entrepreneurs over two days bout SEO and how to make social media work. We were at the Business Start Up Show at Olympia, London and it was then I realised how much needs to be learned. This is…

Share on Twitter – how to do it.

By Marketme | 14th March 2014

Sharing is an essential part of the social media experience. We all know that self promotion is not the way to win friends and influence people on twitter. No one wants to see endless texts saying: ‘Read my book, it’s great’ Why would that ever encourage anyone to take action? Yet tweeters persist. How to…

Greater engagement on Twitter in 5 ways.

By Marketme | 14th March 2014

1. Social listening will change your twitter world. Today someone tweeted: Haven’t blatantly promoted my book for a while so here is the link.’ Consider this, would you click that link? How do you feel about a tweet such as this? Will it lead to greater engagement for that author? To directly promote we suggest…

10 Potentially Damaging Twitter Traps.

By Marketme | 14th March 2014

Twitter is a great place to connect with a wider audience and get the word out about your company. Like the other social networks, there is a right way and a wrong way to go about your business. Watch out for Twitter Traps ! When you find yourself talking to a potential crowd of thousands,…

Find the right customers on social media.

By Marketme | 14th March 2014

Can you find the right customers on social media? Anyone taking the reins of a company will often do little in the first few weeks but just watch and evaluate. It’s worth asking questions, finding out how people do their job, how they feel and what their suggestions are for improvement. Using corporate knowledge can…

Targeting social media leads.

By Marketme | 14th March 2014

I have a list of target customers, what’s next? If you are spending time profiling your customers on social media, getting to understand what they are looking for that’s great.  It almost goes without saying that you need to look at your product, brand or service through their eyes after you have gone about targeting…

Getting Started on Twitter A Basic Guide.

By Marketme | 14th March 2014

Getting started on Twitter the very first step: The most important thing any small business should consider when setting up a Twitter account is to make a great first impression. After all  we  make split second decisions regarding whether someone looks like they might be worth following or not. Therefore, don’t set up a profile…

Social media lead generation and nurture.

By Marketme | 14th March 2014

You may well be inundated with new followers on Twitter. You may find yourself casually dropping this in to conversation, ‘Well, I now have 5000 Twitter followers.’ But how is that going to help your sales team or how is that going to impact on your social media lead generation and nurture for your SME?…

Maximise Your Social Media Efforts.

By Marketme | 14th March 2014

So what does that mean to a small business owner as well as the big corporations? What can you do to maximise your social media efforts? Work hard to maximise your social media. Don’t just post randomly on Twitter and Facebook. Leadamo Academy Fillets The Facts To Maximise Your Social Media Efforts Having a social…

What can you do if your Twitter experience fails to excite?

By Marketme | 14th March 2014

Improve your twitter experience: Start to improve your twitter experience by removing the bread from your head! Even now I listen to those who make comments such as: ‘Twitter is for people who have nothing better to do with their lives.’ It would take too long to even précis the argument that counters this opinion.…