A Beginner’s Guide to Twitter Lead Generation Cards.
Twitter lead generation cards are a great way to advertise on Twitter and gain leads from interested parties. Here is our beginners guide to setting one up. Start by logging into Twitter, then select the settings button in the top right of the screen and click on Twitter Ads. This will then take you through…
How to Host a Twitter Party.
Holding a Twitter Party can be a great way to engage with your audience on a subject that is of interest to you or them. It can even be used to leverage opinion or gather audience information. The key is to pick a topic that will get your audience joining in. However there is more…
Klood University – A Beginner’s Guide to Making Great Content.
We really mean it when we say that Content is King. Successful companies operating in the realms of social media are like buzzing cafes, except their version of content is of course, their coffee. They serve fresh coffee daily, they attract the crowds and they continue to serve up the good stuff. Resulting in a…
SnapChat: What Parents Need to Know
What is SnapChat? SnapChat is a mobile app that allows users to take a photo – known as a “snap” – then caption it (or draw on it) before sending it to one or more other SnapChat users. The recipient of the SnapChat will only be able to view the snap for up to 10…
Google+ and Circles
Google+ as the “new kid on the block” has many fans, and many that hate it. But very few seem to make full use of one of its best features. Let’s start with an admission – I like Google+. I like the interface, the look and feel and I like the level of interaction I…
New Twitter profile layout 2014.
People are saying it kind of looks like Facebook and Google+ and I think we certainly agree. Twitter have now launched a completely new profile layout which will be rolling out to all accounts within the next few weeks with all new accounts adopting the layout immediately. You have a larger profile photo (and profile…
Letting Agents .. stop wasting my time asking me to like your facebook page
The reason why this annoys me so is because no-one ever thinks to give a reason WHY I should like your Facebook page. Remember, people go on Facebook to chill out and catch up with friends and family. They don’t go on Facebook to be sold to, they go on Facebook to be entertained. So when…
5 Steps to Hosting a Celebrity Twitter Chat.
Are you hosting a Twitter Chat with a Celebrity? Maybe someone with 100k Followers, 1million Followers, or even more? Follow these steps and use a Nurph Channel to host a Twitter Chat Show. 5) Plan a Chat Schedule your Twitter Chat on Nurph in just a few button clicks. Add the Time and Topic, and click Save. Voila! You now have dedicated…
Help Your Teen Avoid These 5 Common Social Media Mistakes
Forget the local drive-thru hangout, the techie teens of today have a new favorite spot—the digital sphere. In a study conducted by Quib.ly, nearly 90 percent of teens surveyed reported using Facebook to communicate with friends and connect with strangers. Social media makes keeping in touch with familiar faces possible, but it also makes it…
How to Make Friends and Alienate People (on Social Media)
Now, here is the $64,000 for all those people using social media out there (which is everybody nowadays). Is it a functioning marketing tool in and of itself, or is it merely a supporting character in the greater marketing machine? The question is more nuanced than many would initially believe, not to mention the differences…
Social Media at the other end of the scale.
This Blog entry focuses on social media at a local level, rather than UK & Worldwide. The group in question only has 1000 or so members and only 100 are active regularly. I thought I would add it to this site to give you an idea of both ends of the social media scale. My…
Estate Agency using Social Media, a winning formula?
As an estate agent who started in the business back when the only technology in the office was the telephone and photocopier it would be fair to say I was not exactly a resident of the social media community. But 18 months ago when I established Lime Estate Agents in Preston, Lancashire we turned away…