How Social Media Can Turn Luxury Relationships Into Performative Partnerships

By Marketme | 13th March 2025

TL;DR: Observing luxury relationships on social media motivates ordinary people to become more successful, but it can also make them feel envious. Wealthy individuals increasingly seek validation on social media, potentially reducing a relationship based on passion and exclusivity to a performative partnership. Luxury used to be the prerogative of a select few, defined by…

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The Easy Guide to Boosting Sales in Your Retail Store

By Marketme | 11th March 2025

Boosting sales in your retail store doesn’t always require complicated plans or huge investments. Often, it’s all about examining your basics and making strategic improvements to increase customer satisfaction, transaction values, and repeat visits. We’ll discuss some practical and easy steps you can take to increase your sales and grow your retail business. Create a…

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3 Tips for Selecting the Right Packaging Solutions for Your Needs

By Marketme | 5th March 2025

If you are reading this, there is are high chance that your business involves packaging. Whether you package short-term items for your clients or need them well-safeguarded for long transitions, you must ensure that your choice serves its purpose. In this article, we will explore some quick tips to help you settle on the most…

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Why credibility is key.

By Marketme | 7th March 2014

There’s an interesting article in today’s Daily Telegraph in response to UK Prime Minister David Cameron tweeting (or rather, having an aide tweet) a picture of him on the telephone. The picture has been widely mocked, leading Iain Martin, the paper’s political commentator, to question whether the Prime Minister wouldn’t be better off just leaving social…

How to handle criticism on social media sites.

By Marketme | 6th March 2014

Many organisations are fearful of receiving negative comments on sites such as Twitter and Facebook. Rachel Knight, who advises clients on social media at Kent PR agency Maxim, provides tips on how to handle criticism online. A New Year’s Eve party at the London Film Museum where you can enjoy a red carpet entrance, a…

Now You Can Publish on LinkedIn

By Marketme | 5th March 2014

Recently, the signs have been pointing to LinkedIn to become a content site and formidable media contender, in addition to being the place professionals go to connect. This is good news for the smaller or lesser known business people in the community, because LinkedIn has just opened up something exciting toward that end: publishing. Limited…

Time people spend on Twitter averages 170 minutes per month!

By Marketme | 5th March 2014

According to a new infographic from Dashburst, people spend an average of 170 minutes per month on Twitter alone! Another study released this summer from Experian found Americans spend, on average, 16 minutes of every hour on social networking sites. It is very easy to spend much of your spare (and working) time on social media platforms as…

Connect Offline And Social With New Technology

By Marketme | 4th March 2014

A lot has been written about justifying your social media efforts, with a lot of questions being posed such as: Does social really provide return on investment? How can you relate social to your business offline? How can you leverage your social presence in the best way? These questions are often debated, however there is…

Top tips for using #LinkedIn for your business.

By Marketme | 3rd March 2014

This post, part of our series of ‘top tips’ posts, looks at LinkedIn and our five top tips for using it for the benefit of your business.  Have a read and let us know if you have tried any of our tips and how they worked out. Industry-related content LinkedIn revolves around professionals and their work.  People…

Top tips for using YouTube for your business.

By Marketme | 3rd March 2014

The fourth post in our series of ‘top tips’ posts looks at using YouTube for your business.  Whether or not you are already using video for your business, there are some tips here which you may not have heard of before!  If you like this post, have a look at our top tips for Facebook,…

Top tips for using #Twitter for your business.

By Marketme | 3rd March 2014

This post in our ‘top tips’ series looks at Twitter and how you can be using it most effectively for your business.  Our previous posts on YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Facebook have been well-received and I hope you find this one just as useful. Connect Connect with others on Twitter and grow your network.  Start to follow people, you don’t need to know them in person, but…

Top tips for using Google+ for your business.

By Marketme | 3rd March 2014

This is the last of our ‘top tips’ posts and is on how to use Google+ for your business.  Whether or not you have already set up a Google+ page, there might be some points here that you have not yet used.  If you are using other social media pages for your business, you may find our other…

business networking in 2022

How to use social media after networking.

By Marketme | 3rd March 2014

I have seen a lot of articles and talks recently about how to network properly, but there isn’t much talk about what to do afterwards and social media can play a big part in keeping in touch with those important contacts you have just made.  This post will look at how you can use social…