Why Should You Invest in Professional Control Systems?

By Marketme | 25th July 2024

Investing in professional control systems is indeed very important. But why should anyone consider investing in these systems and what are the benefits that you can reap? Want to know more? • Flexibility With Use The most common reason why you should invest in the control systems is because they allow you flexible usage. You…

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Is DIY Property Management Right for You? Assessing Your Options

By Marketme | 25th July 2024

In the realm of property management, landlords often face the critical decision of whether to opt for professional management services or take on the responsibility themselves. DIY property management can be enticing, offering potential cost savings and a hands-on approach. However, it also demands time, effort, and expertise that not all landlords possess. So, is…

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Avoiding Common Mistakes in DIY Property Management: A Guide for Homeowners in Winchester

By Marketme | 25th July 2024

Owning property can be a rewarding investment, but it also comes with its fair share of responsibilities. For homeowners in Winchester, managing their properties efficiently is crucial for maintaining their value and ensuring tenant satisfaction. While some may opt for professional property management services, many choose the do-it-yourself (DIY) route to save costs. However, DIY…

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A search technique you may not realise you can do on Twitter:

By Marketme | 17th February 2014

Once you realise the potential behind Twitter for your business and for lead generation, we can start to look deeply in to targeting people / accounts for trends, their likes and their interests and even complaints their sharing against your competitors. OSLG – Outbound Social Lead Generation. It’s all about comments and feedback consumers are sharing…

Are Estate Agents making the best of the agency window?

By Marketme | 15th February 2014

Estate Agents are by the very nature of their business very reliant on the quality of their window display to attract prospective buyers passing their agency window. So what’s the problem? It’s all very standard with rows upon rows of properties with very little in the way of varied customer engagement through the use of…

Social Media infiltrating the film industry.

By Marketme | 13th February 2014

We all know that Social Media is everywhere, all the time, but I thought it would be fun to look at some of the key moments (including a couple of my favourite) where it has branched into Hollywood & the film industry in general. There have been some awesome social media campaigns when promoting films,…

Are your social media followers bored of your brand?

By Marketme | 13th February 2014

Social media marketing 101 dictates that every social media manager shouldn’t talk at their followers, but talk to them; we should try and build two-way relationships, rather than indulgent one way sell-a-thons. Marketing, we’re persistently told, has changed and our customers expect regular love and attention. In return, we get their loyalty (and their money).…

Top tips on using Twitter Lists for marketing

By Marketme | 13th February 2014

Twitter Lists are a little understood tool in the social media marketers toolkit. A Twitter List is a collection of your favourite Twitter accounts, all grouped together under one heading. They can be public for the world to see or private just for you. Other Twitter users can subscribe to your public lists, without necessarily…

6 Reasons Your Fans Aren’t Responding to Your Facebook Posts

By Marketme | 12th February 2014

The first sign that things were changing on Facebook appeared a few weeks ago. There was a significant drop in reach for almost all of our clients. Reach is the metric provided in Facebook analytics that is supposed to show how much exposure a post receives. The drop happened on the same day immediately following…

How to Double Your Pinterest Followers in Just 5 Minutes a Day

By Marketme | 11th February 2014

Pinterest is quickly becoming one of the most powerful social networks on the scene. Increasing your activity and knowing the tricks to get more Pinterest followers is important. If your product is targeted towards women then it is crucial to have an online presence on Pinterest. Pinterest is the now the 3rd most popular social network and…

5 Great Ways to Reach Your Target Market.

By Marketme | 11th February 2014

For some of the folks who have chosen a niche or have one in mind, one of the biggest misunderstandings is how you actually reach your target audience throughout the marketing process from face to face business networking to social media. This can definitely be something that holds a real estate agent back from really…

Should you Cater for every single Customer?

By Marketme | 11th February 2014

Online shopping has to be part of everyone’s business plans. As a business person you have to try and cater for every single customer. If somebody wants to give me their money, I will try my hardest to make it easy for them. Some like to come into the showroom, sit down in our comfy…

The Benefits of a Blog.

By Marketme | 11th February 2014

Did you know that there are millions, MILLIONS of blogs out there? Apparently 20,000 new ones are started daily! There are many benefits of running your own blog. Whatever sector you are in they can help bring new clients business in, keep your customers up to date & really stamp your name down as a…