How To Keep Your Employees Feeling Like A Team

By Marketme | 27th September 2024

You will obviously always want to make sure you are getting as much out of your employees as you can, and there are actually a few ways in which you might be able to achieve that. The truth is that it is easier than you might think, but mostly it comes down to making sure…

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Yuri Milner’s Vision for Humanity in Eureka Manifesto

By Marketme | 26th September 2024

In 2021, billionaire Yuri Milner released his first book: Eureka Manifesto: The Mission for Our Civilisation. His compelling non-fiction work explores the quest for understanding and offers a new perspective on science, artificial intelligence (AI), and humanity’s future. Humanity’s Mission Primarily, Eureka Manifesto is about Milner’s conviction that humanity needs a mission. Many organisations have…

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Five Reasons to Call a Business Consultant

By Marketme | 25th September 2024

As a business owner, there’s every chance that you are extremely busy. The pressures that you are facing trying to get your business off the ground and into a place of success are heavy. And whether you are starting, taking over or managing a business, it’s a complex thing to do. You’re often forced to…

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Death At The Workplace – Who Is Responsible?

By Marketme | 3rd April 2022

This situation seems like something out of a nightmare. You are dealing with the terrible loss of a loved one and at the same time, you have to make arrangements to claim compensation from their employer. You want to grieve but you also need to be strong. There is a lot on your mind but…

Is This The Best Water Filter On The Market?

By Oliver Walkey | 29th March 2022

ZeroWater is one of the best Water Filters out there, with a big selection of different sizes and a strong quality, I have used their Water Filters before and each time the water has come out at a cleaner more delicious flavour. Drinking water from the tap does contain some added microscopic particles which I’m…

How To Dress For An Online Job Interview

By Marketme | 11th March 2022

Dressing for a job interview is always important, but it can be especially tricky when the interview is conducted online. You want to make sure you look polished and professional, but you also don’t want to wear anything that will make you uncomfortable or distract you from your conversation. This blog post will give you…

4 Reasons Why Your Marketing Might Not Be Working

By Marketme | 10th March 2022

It’s a no-brainer to suggest that marketing is integral to your business profits. The more people who get to hear about what you are selling the better. But what if your marketing efforts aren’t working? Not only will you be wasting your time but you will be wasting your money too! If your marketing isn’t…

4 Steps for Expanding Your Business Internationally

By Marketme | 10th March 2022

If you’re thinking about shifting your business towards a wider audience, specifically an international audience, then this can be an exciting opportunity. There are so many benefits of doing this, maybe you found a hole in the market? Maybe you’ve always dreamt of moving to a specific country? Or you’re just wanting to expand to…

4 Ways You Can Prevent Your Business From Failure

By Marketme | 24th February 2022

Looking at a large investment like starting a business is quite risky, especially if it’s something you don’t have any experience of before. You might find there’s a lot more to running a business than you were prepared for, and to run one you need to be fully involved in making sure it succeeds. Neglecting…

6 Signs Your Business Is Finished

By Marketme | 15th February 2022

It’s never a nice experience to think about your company going under. However, it’s something that inevitably happens to most entrepreneurs, and you need to be ready for it. The further in advance you can see the signs coming, the quicker you can cut your losses and get out. Sign #1: You Start Having Strange…

Choosing A Uniform For Your Workplace: 7 Tips To Find The Perfect Workwear

By Marketme | 15th February 2022

Choosing the right workplace uniform is crucial for customer-facing businesses. It shows brand consistency and unity and helps customers associate a certain look and professionalism with your business. A lot goes into the design and creation of a uniform. You will need to ensure it is suitable for the type of work your employees will…

3 Ways To Expand Your Audience Online

By Marketme | 14th February 2022

No business can thrive without a brilliant website in today’s modern market, so it’s vital that you can maintain your own successful commercial platform if you want to achieve a respectable profit. But, how can you go about expanding your reach online so that you can attract as many customers as possible? Thankfully this guide…

How have standing desks transformed our professional lives? Observations #StandingDesks

By Marketme | 9th February 2022

Standing desks make working professionals fit, healthy, and productive by offering posture improvement and lumbar support. They look appealing as well and enhance the office ambience. These factors play a decisive role in ensuring longevity of working professionals. Standing desks have transformed our professional lives in many ways. Firstly, standing desks have brought many hunched…