Month: March 2014

How do I know which social media site is best for my company?

2nd March 2014

I have seen articles and listened to webinars recently which suggest that business owners who are not sure which social media sites to use for their business should start with the sites that they are most familiar with and which they enjoy using.  Yes, this will make using the site for your business easier, but if it does not…

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The tricks of broadening your reach over social media for free!

2nd March 2014

Sometimes, when businesses have set up their social media accounts, they ask us ‘what happens now?’.  After setting up your account, making it look good and posting some updates, you need to increase your followers and how many people see your posts so that your company is having the reach it deserves.  This post will…

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Top tips for using #Facebook for business.

2nd March 2014

This is the first post in our series of ‘top tips’ posts, which will give you the best ways to use each social media platform to your advantage.  This one will look at Facebook, and through the coming weeks, we will be discussing Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube and Google+.  So here are our top 5 tips for Facebook… Fill…

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Why you should pay attention to your social media analytics.

2nd March 2014

If you have a company social media page, you may or may not have already seen that you can check the analytics of some of these pages.  This blog post will look at why these analytics are important and why you should be keeping an eye on them.  Not all social media platforms have analytics built in…

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5 reasons your business should be on social media.

2nd March 2014

Are you hearing people around you saying that your company should be on social media?  Are you perhaps considering having a social media presence but don’t yet understand what benefits it can have for your company?  If this sounds like you, then this post will give a run down of the main reasons social media…

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Kik Messenger in a Nutshell.

1st March 2014

Although I consider myself fairly up-to-speed with all the cool social media “trends,” the fact that I am now twenty-two and not fifteen is starting to show! For instance, I had heard of Kik Messenger in passing, but never paid much attention to it. But then a parent signed up to one of my seminars…

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Are children more socialized because of Internet?

1st March 2014

Introduction: It is necessary to consider the socializing potential of Internet, which is indeed huge and impressive in the present context. The Internet is the electronic platform which offers instant communication and socializing tools like emails, chat services, video streaming and more importantly, social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Orkut, LinkedIn and so on.…

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