
5 Tips for a Successful Direct Mail Campaign

14th October 2014

Despite the growing prevalence of Internet marketing, direct mail campaigns are still proving to be as successful as ever at engaging with consumers and attracting new business. Unfortunately, a lacklustre campaign can actually be counter-productive and lead to a lack of trust and respect amongst the very people you’re trying to engage with. Following these…

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What is the value of your Social Media following?

12th October 2014

Can you really put a valuation on the size of the following or likes you receive on social media? Every time your mobile pins to alert you of a new connection, are you simply increasing the value of your presence online? Or is it just an ego trip so you can add it in to…

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Whistl: Changing the Delivery Game for SME’s

10th October 2014

Whenever we think of economic growth, are thoughts are usually drawn to large scale corporations and big business deal. This reflects a serious misconception, however, as  Barack Obama and David Cameron have both alluded to the fact that small and medium sized enterprises are central to long-term economic growth. Such a bold statement can certainly…

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The programmatic approach to online advertising

7th October 2014

One of the challenging aspects of digital marketing is that the technology, platforms, and tools are changing and evolving so rapidly that it is hard to stay on top of the new trends and industry best practice on how to get the best results for your online advertising campaigns. In this article we are going…

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Appealing to a Male Audience on Pinterest.

30th September 2014

Although the number of women using Pinterest greatly outnumbers the amount of men, there has been a demographic shift suggesting the image-based social media site isn’t just a women-only destination. In fact, in addition to major brands that are specifically reaching out to men and encouraging them to use Pinterest, representatives working directly for Pinterest…

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Using Social Media To Promote Your Corporate Event.

29th September 2014

Using Social Media To Promote A Corporate Event If you’re running a corporate event, you want to make sure that your event goes as well as possible. This includes getting the right audience to the event, and may involve the need for ticket sales, sponsorships and commercial partners to make your event work. Whatever, kind…

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You Smile We Smile: The Marketing Power Of The Selfie

26th September 2014

The selfie has exceeded all cultural phenomena. It’s gone from a social trend, to a celebrity habit, to an essential marketing tool that has seen been used by the likes of Samsung and Turkish Airlineshave all used the method, and it doesn’t seem to have show any signs of slowing down. Full Tilt: The Brand…

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Building Your Social Media Brand

26th September 2014

Building your brand on social media is most definitely a challenge. From how you position yourself, to building an audience, and taking the impact offline – there is a lot to think about. The first step in building your social media brand is to create your social media profiles. There are a bunch of companies…

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4 ways that social media can help young entrepreneurs & business owners

25th September 2014

Despite its meteoric rise to cultural ubiquity in the last decade or so, social networking’s potential as a marketing tool is still frequently ignored, or poorly utilised. Indeed, as some larger companies have discovered time and time again, social networking presents a number of particularly unique ways to promote a particular businesses products or services;…

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Social Media Week 2014: What can Social Media do for your business?

23rd September 2014

Happy Social Media Week 2014! What better excuse to talk about one thing I cant live without! Most brands now are recognising the power of social media and if you aren’t you should be. As technology grows and updates rise we are being forced into it, but it’s a good thing! Here’s why Social Media…

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Selling Directly through Social Media.

23rd September 2014

There are a lot of reasons for your business to establish a presence on a variety of social media sites, but at the end of the day, you’re looking for customers and sales. To encourage those sales numbers, look to what other clever marketers are doing, namely selling products directly on social media. While the…

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