Content Marketing

What on earth can I blog about?

8th December 2014

I had an interesting conversation about blogging on Twitter this morning……… By now, everyone reading this should understand the potential power of a blog; how it can inform, assist, raise questions and challenge opinions. I have certainly got a deeper appreciation of it since I started creating content for clients and writing guest blogs for…

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To Blog or Not To Blog, Why Bother?

24th November 2014

I saw a man about a blog yesterday, and the good news is that as it is my pet subject (sorry about the pun), he wants me to write a couple of blogs a month for him. It could go up to four blogs in the future. Lots of people like blogs; it’s a place…

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Images for blogs.

9th November 2014

It is great that you are or have written that blog as this will help you to increase your SEO online, but now that you’re about to release that blog, you need the right image to go with it. It is very common for most blog writers to either not have a title image to…

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Which areas of advertising are booming?

6th November 2014

The face of advertising has altered dramatically over the last decade, and digital has become a crucial area of investment for any business looking to achieve success in this new and ever evolving market. As the consumer audience continues to embrace smart devices as a platform to communicate, discover and purchase, brands that have arrived…

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Blogging for your business: Where to start?

6th November 2014

I had a colleague come up to me the other day asking what all this blogging palaver was about? Well let me tell you if you knew that having an active blog on your website could generate 67% more leads per month you’d think again. Having a blog allows you to develop quality content for…

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Should you host your blog on a blog site or your own website?

27th October 2014

Well of course, you should pop your blog on your website. That will mean that the content will be fresh, lots of people will visit your website and both parts will make you better in the eyes of Google, its great for social media and all that SEO stuff (SEO is Search Engine Optimization stuff…

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Understanding the future of Content Marketing.

22nd October 2014

Have the words Content Marketing been circulating around your comms team? There’s no more producing content for contents sake, it’s time to listen to your customers and keep them on side.  When I talk about Content Marketing I simply mean creating the best content you can to service your customers needs, values and behaviour. Many businesses are…

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How to Improve Your Content to Get More Shares

28th April 2014

Creating content that has the potential to go viral is every marketer’s dream come true. While the popularity of an article depends on multiple factors that are hard to recap, there are a few additional things everyone can do make their already well-crafted and interesting article even more compelling for the audience.  Better Long than…

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To Guest Blog or Not to Guest Blog.

3rd April 2014

A few weeks ago the wired world was somewhat shocked when Google announced that it was going to punish a guest blog network. Google didn’t name the offender (many believe it was MyBlogGuest), but it did set social media ablaze as everyone tried to figure out what this development meant. So what exactly does it…

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The Benefits of a Blog.

11th February 2014

Did you know that there are millions, MILLIONS of blogs out there? Apparently 20,000 new ones are started daily! There are many benefits of running your own blog. Whatever sector you are in they can help bring new clients business in, keep your customers up to date & really stamp your name down as a…

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Further Evidence That Guest Posting Is Social Not SEO

24th January 2014

Just last week, I wrote on Market Me about why guest posting should be considered as part of a social strategy and, as if by magic, the industry as a whole has seen further evidence of this over the past few days. On Monday evening (UK time), head of web spam at Google, Matt Cutts,…

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Why Guest Blogging Needs To Be Part Of Your Social Strategy

19th January 2014

Whilst many still regard guest blogging as part of an SEO strategy, as far as I’m concerned, it’s equally as much a part of your social strategy and needs to be regarded in that way by more online marketers! To those of you not familiar with the concept, guest blogging is essentially writing on someone…

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