
The New Cyber Agency Helping Tech Startups Stay Secure

10th July 2021

HTP Consultancy is a boutique consultancy with a different edge. Harshini Carey is proud to announce the launch of her new company that provides Cyber Security, Privacy, Risk and compliance services. Harshini brings over 20+ years of experience and a network within the Cyber security, Intelligence, Compliance and Risk industry. She formerly worked for reputable…

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The Emergence of Fintech in the Islamic World

8th June 2021

Introduction According to most estimates, almost 1,450 Islamic financial institutions are providing shariah-compliant services in 75 different countries across the world. In these institutions, Islamic financial assets are expected to increase from $2.5 Trillion USD to nearly $4 Trillion USD by 2024. When considering Islamic financial assets globally, Islamic banking still accounts for the overwhelming…

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How to Keep Your Mac Fit With Longer-Running Battery Life

5th January 2021

Macs are devices designed for rugged use, with future technological advancements in mind. However, like every other machine in this world, your Mac too needs regular checkups and upgrades to keep its functioning smooth and swift. However, most Mac users forget about this crucial element and soon run into several problems with their device. One…

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Find and Delete Large Files on Mac in One-Go with these Maxims

23rd December 2020

No matter how large storage space you have on your Mac, a notification “Disk Space Full” will pop on your screen. An app or program you install seems to occupy very little storage space, yet you never know how large a file is hiding deep down in the Mac memory. It may be difficult to…

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Best Tools to Protect Your Online Privacy

15th December 2020

Online privacy is becoming a major threat by the day, and no one is going to offer the solution to you. You need to have some privacy tools in your arsenal to keep your data protected. Below are the nine best tools to protect your online privacy and make sure that cybercriminals don’t get anywhere…

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5 Reasons To Outsource Your IT

9th December 2020

Remote businesses are popping up all over the place right now. The pandemic this year has changed the way that businesses are working, and working from home has become the new normal. This has triggered a lot of necessary changes for companies in the way that they work – and the way that their employees…

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4 Ways To Ensure Your Digital Systems Remain Healthy And Safe

26th November 2020

When it comes to keeping your business in good condition, you need to make sure that you’re pulling out all the stops in order to ensure safety and protection. You never know when your business could be under fire, and you never know if you’ll be completely destroyed. It doesn’t matter whether you’re just starting…

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2020 Technology Hacks

28th August 2020

Nowadays we live and breathe technology, but as much as we love our technology, there are days when we wish that we had a faster way of doing things. And that is where the technology hacks come into the picture. With technology hacks, you have the same technology that you use every day but you…

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The technology helping the world’s elderly population

10th July 2020

While it’s often thought that the elderly aren’t as tech-savvy as the younger generations, that’s not necessarily the case. A recent survey on internet use among the 65-74 age group increased by 31% in the last eight years, while 2020’s lockdown measures has seen over-65s shopping online twice as much the previous year. However, online…

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Utilising 5G In Modern Tech

18th June 2020

The mobile market is moving extremely quickly and the introduction of 5G will only increase the opportunities available for developers and consumers alike – by offering speeds up to one hundred times faster than current available options. There will ofcourse be a time lag between availability, and although the availability is ready in some places,…

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Common Website Design Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them)

27th May 2020

A professional and eye-catching website is a crucial tool for attracting new customers, establishing your credibility, and building relationships. An effective website should provide a user-friendly experience, encourage a steady flow of leads, and promote ongoing sales. However, when designing your website there are a few common pitfalls that can have a negative impact on…

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How To Stop Tech Issues Consuming Too Much Of Your Business’s Time!

24th March 2020

Did you know that technology issues are one of the leading causes of wasted time in modern businesses? At first glance, this sounds like a shocking statement. But, the more you think about it, the more obvious it is! Imagine there’s a problem with your internet connection at work – what happens? The whole business…

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