Rent Reporting Services: How Landlords Can Help Tenants Build Credit

By Marketme | 20th September 2024

For many tenants, the idea of building a strong credit score feels out of reach. Sure, they might pay their rent on time every month, but unlike a mortgage or car loan, rent payments don’t typically count towards credit. But what if they did? As a landlord, you can actually help tenants build their credit…

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How a Dedicated Fibre Network Can Supercharge Your Business

By Marketme | 19th September 2024

In today’s world, where every second counts, businesses can’t afford to be slowed down by sluggish internet speeds or unreliable connections. Imagine trying to have an important video call that keeps cutting out or downloading large files only to watch the progress bar crawl. Frustrating, right? This is where a dedicated fibre network comes in,…

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Serviced Offices: The Future of Flexible Business Spaces

By Marketme | 13th September 2024

The way we work has shifted dramatically over the past few years. Remote working, hybrid setups, and flexible hours are now the norm, and businesses are adapting to these changes by rethinking their office spaces. Enter serviced offices—fully equipped, ready-to-use spaces that offer flexibility and convenience without the headaches of long-term commitments or hefty overhead…

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Make Your Small Business Big & Mighty With My Advice

By Marketme | 29th September 2016

The problem with running a small business is that it’s small. When you’re small, fewer people recognise you, and it can be hard to make money. So, you want to do everything you can to appear big and mighty. To do this, have a read of my advice: Outsource Important Work Being a small business,…

Market Yourself To Obtain Your Next Dream Job

By Marketme | 28th September 2016

Are you stuck in a job that you dislike? Many of us don’t have the privilege to be working within a job role that provides such passion or job satisfaction. A lot of people don’t even know what they want to do for a career until it’s too late. All through college and any other…

From meeting to market: The stages of a product’s development

By Marketme | 28th September 2016

Meetings are an essential part of the daily operation of a big business. In fact Real Business reports that the average person attends 207 meetings a year. Yet meetings are only the start of the process. This is where ideas are raised, debated, moulded and developed. Have you ever been sitting in a meeting and…

Files, Faxes and Friendships: Giving The Office A Reboot

By Marketme | 27th September 2016

  It’s everyone’s dream to have a fulfilling life, and that extends to our work. If running a company isn’t  giving you the satisfaction you are craving, you may need to look at the environment you’re running. Is it a thriving, productive one? Or does it feel like it needs a jolt? Here are some…

Understanding the Basics of CFD Trading

By Marketme | 27th September 2016

CFD, which is an abbreviation for Contracts for Difference, is a type of market trading that is currently attracting a growing number of retail traders all around the globe. CFD trading is simply an agreement that is reached upon by two parties to exchange the final difference gotten between the opening and closing prices of…

Six Major Reasons Why Having A Company Vehicle Is Beneficial

By Marketme | 21st September 2016

As a business, you always want to ensure your expenses are justified. If you’re spending a lot on things like office space, a marketing campaign or anything else, you want to make sure the pros outweigh the cons. Since vehicles are so expensive to buy and operate, many businesses stay away from buying one. However,…

The Cornerstones Of A Successful Startup

By Marketme | 20th September 2016

The secrets to a successful startup are very simple approaches. In fact, they are not even secrets at all. If you are either already running a startup or you are looking into getting one off the ground there are some cornerstones you need to ensure that it is run successfully. Organisation Three words: plan, plan,…

Who’s Most Likely To Become A New Customer For Your Business?

By Marketme | 20th September 2016

While you’ll have all kinds of goals for your business, your primary concern is most likely to generate a profit. Of course, an essential way to boost your profits is to attract clientele. But where do they come from? Some companies market aimlessly without keeping any track of how they’re generating business in the first…

How Brexit Will Impact Global Economies

By Marketme | 19th September 2016

Although it has been a number of weeks since Britain chose to exit the European Union, its true impact has yet to be felt. Yes, there were some initial dramatics as investors lost confidence, but these soon stabilised, and although levels may not have entirely recovered, the impact of Brexit today is less marked than…