How To Keep Your Employees Feeling Like A Team

By Marketme | 27th September 2024

You will obviously always want to make sure you are getting as much out of your employees as you can, and there are actually a few ways in which you might be able to achieve that. The truth is that it is easier than you might think, but mostly it comes down to making sure…

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Yuri Milner’s Vision for Humanity in Eureka Manifesto

By Marketme | 26th September 2024

In 2021, billionaire Yuri Milner released his first book: Eureka Manifesto: The Mission for Our Civilisation. His compelling non-fiction work explores the quest for understanding and offers a new perspective on science, artificial intelligence (AI), and humanity’s future. Humanity’s Mission Primarily, Eureka Manifesto is about Milner’s conviction that humanity needs a mission. Many organisations have…

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Five Reasons to Call a Business Consultant

By Marketme | 25th September 2024

As a business owner, there’s every chance that you are extremely busy. The pressures that you are facing trying to get your business off the ground and into a place of success are heavy. And whether you are starting, taking over or managing a business, it’s a complex thing to do. You’re often forced to…

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Make Your Business More Efficient By Making These Changes

By Marketme | 18th April 2023

Efficiency is something that every business struggles to achieve. It’s about how efficiently you can complete processes, and how this lends its hand to your business being more productive overall. The good news is that it’s not as difficult as you might believe to take your efficiency to the next level, but it does require…

Why You Need Funding To Start A Business

By Marketme | 17th April 2023

Starting a business is a rewarding and exciting experience, but in order to succeed, a lot of the time a decent amount of startup capital is going to be needed. Although it’s true that you can start a business with very little money, it does make things harder, and it takes a lot longer to…

5 Outsourcing Services to Consider for your Business

By Marketme | 17th April 2023

Outsourcing is a popular way to set up a business these days. More and more businesses are moving away from a system of internal departments to one that is less centralized, but that doesn’t make it any less efficient, quite the opposite. Businesses that outsource core departments like customer services and IT management enjoy more…

How Contactless Payments Can Improve Your Restaurant Business?

By Marketme | 13th April 2023

The way we store, access, and spend our money has been changing for decades now. We used to back our currency with precious metals early in our history. In the following decades, governments began issuing fiat currencies without direct commodity backing. The concept of money was revolutionised as a result. The credit card came next…

How Clean is Your Water?

By Marketme | 10th April 2023

Have you ever wondered what happens to water before it comes out of your tap? Several processes are used to clean the water before it gets to you, including filtration, through sand and charcoal followed by chemical disinfection, where chlorine is added to ensure any remaining bacteria are killed off. It also helps to keep…

How Much Does Native Advertising Cost?

By Marketme | 6th April 2023

Native advertising is a powerful tool for businesses looking to reach potential customers and grow their brands. But what’s the cost of native advertising? To help you better understand, here’s everything you need to know about how much native advertising can cost. How Much Does Native Advertising Really Cost? Native advertising is a powerful tool…

Simple Ways To Protect Your Business Premises Today

By Marketme | 6th April 2023

Protecting your business premises should always be one of your main priorities, as you could end up losing several many thousands of pounds by leaving your commercial property out in the open. There are countless risks that you can expect to encounter during an average day of trading, so it’s vital that you can take…

How Your Business Can Protect Its Most Valuable Equipment

By Marketme | 5th April 2023

Businesses can own equipment of all kinds. From computers and other office hardware to heavy machinery, a business can invest a lot of money in essential equipment. Whether big or small, the equipment needs protection to ensure it continues to work properly and can help to keep the business’s operations running. You don’t want to…

Strategies to Deal With Online Negativity

By Marketme | 3rd April 2023

In today’s digital age, it is increasingly common to receive negative feedback online. It could be in the form of bad reviews on a product or service, unprofessional images posted about you or your business, or even direct comments from people who don’t like what you’re doing. No matter how hard we try to avoid…

Are You Doing Enough To Build Trust In Your Brand?

By Marketme | 30th March 2023

When developing your marketing strategy, there are several key ingredients to include in the recipe for success. Brand visibility, likeability, and engagement are all vital. You must also establish interest in the products. However, it’s equally important that you get people to trust the business.  After all, research shows that 81% of consumers need to…

The Benefits of Exhibiting At a Trade Show

By Marketme | 28th March 2023

There are a million ways to attract new customers and build your brand in this day and age. As such, it’s easy to overlook trade shows. After all, they require more time and effort than the marketing techniques that you can get underway from your office. However, while you shouldn’t give up your other marketing…

How to Incorporate 2D Motion Graphics into Your Video Production Workflow

By Marketme | 21st March 2023

There’s no doubt about the fact that videos have become an integral tool for brands and businesses to engage their target audience. However, amidst so much competition out there, it can be challenging to stand out from the crowd and establish your brand’s identity. This is exactly where incorporating 2D motion graphics into your video…