business social media

Is Periscope Business-Worthy, or Just Google Hangouts for Kids?

16th September 2015

I recently wrote an article entitled “So What the Heck is Periscope” and, since I wrote it, I now know exactly what it is. Doesn’t mean I like it any better, but at least I understand it. Last week I was discussing social media with David, a digital marketing specialist I know, and mentioned my…

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How to Find Blogging Inspiration.

1st July 2015

Just recently, I committed to writing at least four blog posts a week. I need to raise my profile online and as it’s all about content, content and more content, it seemed like a great strategy for getting my writing noticed and would, if nothing else, by great for my creativity generally. Hey, it can’t…

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Infographics are dead! Long live video infographics!

13th February 2015

Infographics are everywhere. And rightly so! As they emerged a few years or so ago, PR folks and marketers took advantage of the simplicity of displaying complex data in a way that told a more compelling story than just a load of numbers, percentages and words. And they didn’t need to be design experts. They…

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Social Media Week 2014: What can Social Media do for your business?

23rd September 2014

Happy Social Media Week 2014! What better excuse to talk about one thing I cant live without! Most brands now are recognising the power of social media and if you aren’t you should be. As technology grows and updates rise we are being forced into it, but it’s a good thing! Here’s why Social Media…

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SME Marketing Tips 2014

10th September 2014

If you have a start-up or a small business, you will know that marketing is essential for increasing awareness of your brand, generating income and ensuring continued success. After all, it doesn’t matter how great your company is, if people aren’t aware of it. With marketing being essential for a company’s success, it is important…

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Maximizing Your Business’ Cover Photos.

4th September 2014

When anyone stumbles across your Facebook or Twitter page, the first thing they see is your cover photo. On Facebook, cover photos are 851 pixels wide and 315 pixels tall, located above and around your profile picture and name. On Twitter, these photos are technically referred to as “header photos” and are 1500 x 500…

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5 Reasons to Hop onto the Twitter Train If You Haven’t Already.

20th June 2014

Since its arrival in 2006, Twitter has taken the social network space by storm, cutting it up into bite sized pieces of information for us all too quickly digest. With more than 500 million registered accounts and 1.6 billion search queries per day, it’s fair to say that Twitter is popular. With the likes of…

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Creating a social media strategy for your business.

11th June 2014

Have you thought about your social media marketing strategy? For some it may seem unusual to incorporate this into your marketing plans but it is pretty much the norm for many businesses and brands these days and you can’t ignore it. Social media marketing should be merged with your traditional marketing efforts. Here’s 5 tips…

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Why Getting Social Media Right Is Just Like Playing Poker

18th May 2014

For anyone that has watched any James Bond film that involves a poker scene – in fact any film that involves a poker scene – the message is clear you don’t play your cards you simply play the man opposite you. Well in social media and marketing in general it is exactly the same thing. …

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NHS and Social Media – Is it all down to the strategy?

10th May 2014

For the last couple of weeks both myself and Ash have been heavily involved in debates regarding the NHS and Social Media. We first got involved because the people were asking for solutions and we wanted to discuss that with them. The NHS is a mine field of bureaucracy and levels of management. The NHS…

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7 Tips to Kick Start Your Social Media Pages

6th May 2014

I am hearing more and more about the importance of Social Media throughout my business network. Some business owners seem to embrace the use of Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn etc whereas others seem to doubt it’s value. Marketing experts will tell you creating brand awareness and finding customers through Social Media is not always easy,…

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