Social Media Marketing Strategy

Appealing to a Male Audience on Pinterest.

30th September 2014

Although the number of women using Pinterest greatly outnumbers the amount of men, there has been a demographic shift suggesting the image-based social media site isn’t just a women-only destination. In fact, in addition to major brands that are specifically reaching out to men and encouraging them to use Pinterest, representatives working directly for Pinterest…

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5 Reasons: Why Social Media and SEO should be done together?

14th August 2014

Number counts for spreading the words. More mouths mean intense voices and higher chances of getting heard around. We are living in a digital society. Even best of the artist finds crunching numbers of likes and followers on Social Media like Facebook or MySpace. This is why, every business needs social media presence. When you…

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6 Quick tips on How to be more Successful with Pinterest.

13th August 2014

If you are up to date with marketing news you surely have already heard of Pinterest – social media platform allowing users to share mainly visual content: pictures, graphics, infographics, etc. Since it is a platform for visual learners, the type of business which can gain the most by being present in is the one…

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How to Balance Your Business Twitter Feed

13th August 2014

For many prospective and current customers alike, your business Twitter feed is their first introduction to the passion and commitment your business exudes. As a result, it’s very important to balance your business Twitter feed, specifically in the form of content that will engage and inspire while still maintaining an industry-specific focus. To strike the…

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Building Your E-mail Subscribers Through Social Media.

29th July 2014

Because social media has such a broad reach, it’s a great solution if you’re searching for ways to get more subscribers to an existing e-mail list. Some people are reluctant to sign up for e-mail lists because they feel their inboxes are already bombarded with unwanted messages. However, if you try some of the suggestions…

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The Fastest Ways to Increase Your Instagram Following.

14th July 2014

Instagram is quickly becoming one of the biggest social media outlets. With more than 150 million users – and that number keeps growing larger each day – you have a large pool of potential followers. Whether you’re using Instagram for business or for personal use, you want to have a lot of followers. More importantly,…

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Kicking Your Marketing Imagery up a Notch.

7th July 2014

In marketing, we’re often told – force-fed, rather – unique content is absolutely essential. Believe it or not, when they say content is king, it doesn’t exclusively refer to text-based content. Attractive, engaging and relatable images are also essential to a successful content marketing strategy. Visual content is even more important when you throw social…

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Creating a social media strategy for your business.

11th June 2014

Have you thought about your social media marketing strategy? For some it may seem unusual to incorporate this into your marketing plans but it is pretty much the norm for many businesses and brands these days and you can’t ignore it. Social media marketing should be merged with your traditional marketing efforts. Here’s 5 tips…

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When Facebook is gone in 5 years time are you going to be ready?

22nd May 2014

The general consensus is that Facebook is still playing a crucial role within social media marketing but as it loses it’s “cool factor” that made it so popular in the first place will the audience engagement go down and never recover?  This is one of the most hotly debated topics in social media at the…

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Why Getting Social Media Right Is Just Like Playing Poker

18th May 2014

For anyone that has watched any James Bond film that involves a poker scene – in fact any film that involves a poker scene – the message is clear you don’t play your cards you simply play the man opposite you. Well in social media and marketing in general it is exactly the same thing. …

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5 Strategies to Bring Social Media and Your Overall Marketing Strategy Together

13th May 2014

Everywhere we turn we are constantly reminded of the importance of Social Media. Everybody is buzzing about it, but do you know what the buzz is all about? Surely there must be more to it than posting a status update or a Tweet that entices customers to purchase from you. So what is the secret?…

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The Importance of Building Strong Human Connections with Your Brand in Social Media Platforms

4th May 2014

One of the best things about social media platforms and networking, is that people (or customers) are becoming more real, more involved and as such are willing to reveal more about themselves. The dominance of various social media platforms in our daily lives, apparently show that more and more people (and as such potential customers)…

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