
The Cure for Your Stale Website

6th March 2017

A business website is one of the most important components to your company. Without an online presence, you’re missing out on a lot of potential customers that simply can’t access your business because they aren’t local. For instance, you’re doing yourself a disservice if your locally-famous homemade crafts store doesn’t ship overseas or even within…

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Picking the Right Computer Hardware for Your Business

3rd March 2017

Businesses all around the world are hiring tech “professionals” to pick out computers for their business. For anyone that is tech-savvy, this is incredibly silly because picking a computer isn’t an incredibly hard choice with a lot of different variables. In fact, picking a computer and hardware for your office is very easy and can…

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Manufacture This! The Big Industry Trends Of 2017

3rd March 2017

Yes, it’s true – some businesses still manufacture their products. Thanks to the rise of the internet and outsourcing, these businesses are fewer and farther between than before. But, there is a few that still dedicate time and money to the process, and make a hefty return, too. Any business that is looking to manufacture…

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Make A Fleet That Drives Your Business To Success

3rd March 2017

A lot of businesses use fulfilment and delivery services to make sure that their product gets to their customer. Those services are essential to maintaining trust and loyalty to the business, so it’s far from uncommon for a business to eventually want to take them on themselves. However, managing your own logistics comes with its…

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Get Your Product To Market In Record Time

3rd March 2017

Some startups are able to begin selling their services in just a few weeks, sometimes less. But these tend to be those that are reliant on services and already have experts in place who are able to deliver to customers on the ground. We’re talking legal firms, accountants and even hairdressers.   But what happens…

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Content Creation And SEO Success!

2nd March 2017

A big part of running an online arm of a business is optimizing it for search engines. You see, search engines are the directories of the modern age. Instead of a big, hefty phone book, people will use services like Google and Bing to find the businesses they need.   SEO, or search engine optimization…

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Life After Business Takes Planning Too

2nd March 2017

Retirement is one of those days we all look forward to. The chance to be in total control of your life, be where you want then you want, answer to no one (except your partner) and not have to fulfill any routine except spontaneity. It is that well-earned ending to your working life.   However,…

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Saving Time, Money And Sanity In Business

2nd March 2017

Running a business is about so much more than making profit; it’s about safeguarding that profit and knowing when to spend money just as much as when not to spend it. Investment is a tricky area for any business, as costs are necessary in order to push your business forward and open up new doors…

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Has Your Website Become Static?

2nd March 2017

So you took the plunge and paid out a fairly hefty whack to get up to date online.  A beautiful website which will be the introduction to your company.  Good job, a lot of companies tend to overlook their website, thinking that simply having one is enough.  It isn’t.  You need to make sure your…

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Guide To The Best Carpet Cleaners

1st March 2017

Do you ever feel like the tasks around your home never end? How often have you lost hours dealing with dubious cleanups that you just couldn’t resolve? If so then you are in the correct place — Clean Carpet Guru, who talk about the best carpet cleaning machines have created the infographic below to determine…

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Contracting: Common Concurrent Complications

1st March 2017

Working as a contractor in any industry is a combination of being your own boss, accountant, worker, chauffeur, and the list goes on and on! Contracting can be a good way of life for many, as you can dictate the amount of work you wish to do, and what time to clock off, but the…

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Robots & AI: The Future Of Business Tech

1st March 2017

Today, we’re going to talk about technology in the business world. Specifically, two pieces of tech that are going to revolutionise the future or business technology. As the title suggests, I’m talking about robots and artificial intelligence. Carry on reading to learn more: Robots If anyone ever talks about the future of technology, their mind…

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