
Five Facts about #Twitter that You Didn’t Know!

29th December 2013

Twitter was actually created on a children’s playground. Founding team member Dom Sagolla says the group went on the top of a slide at a playground in South Park in San Francisco and Jack Dorsey discussed an “idea so simple that you don’t even think about it—you just write.” The first ever Tweet was “Just setting up my twttr.” Co-founder…

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Social Media Week London 2013 #SMWLDN.

29th December 2013

We were very happy to have VIP passes to this years #SocialMedia Week in London. Many events were held across London with seminars across varied business sectors all looking at the current impact of social media within business and what the immediate future holds. The events we at Marketme attended all showed that social media…

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Blogs and Social Media working together.

29th December 2013

Blogs and Social Media working together. Why we should be thinking about blog writing and social media if you want to improve your exposure on the Internet. These two simple to apply though time consuming activities increase the likes of your search engine ranking, the chances of being found on line for relevant key words. For…

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Become famous using social media.

29th December 2013

Become famous using social media. Can you really become famous using social media? How do you get your brand seen by millions and mentions from the celebrities and influential business people? Social media is the most successful avenue to obtain the biggest shop window for your business and brand. Each of the major platforms have…

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How many #Tweets a day should I be doing on #Twitter?

29th December 2013

The more Tweets the better maybe? Should it be volume over quality? Volume over time of day / day of week? Who should be seeing your tweets and will a million followers mean that your tweets will be guaranteed return on investment? Once you have an active presence on Twitter you need to fully understand your…

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Tips to improve your success from Social Media.

29th December 2013

So you are tweeting, sharing, pinning, uploading and liking, but you are not seeing great results from your efforts. You understand what Social Media is about and you are trying to be as active as you can on varied platforms yet the resulting web traffic and direct enquiries just simply to do match up with…

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Should Children be using Social Media? The Debate.

29th December 2013

Firstly, let’s look at the required age for signing up with varied Social Media platforms: Facebook: Facebook requires everyone to be at least 13 years old before they can create an account (in some jurisdictions, this age limit may be higher). YouTube: The minimum is thirteen years old to open an account on YouTube. Twitter:…

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Be careful using Social Media.

29th December 2013

Social Media Marketing is a fantastic way for you as a person or a business to shout out to the masses about what you are doing, thinking, feeling, offering, sponsoring etc… So just why should anyone hold caution to using Social Media for any message that you want to share? Social Media is now global…

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The Dos and Don’ts of Writing a Blog.

29th December 2013

Blog writing for your business is an important part of your on line marketing strategy and integral to successful SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). Blog writing should contain relevant, keyword rich content that engages your target audience and prompts sharing and comments. Some dos and don’ts for writing your own blog for business include: Understand your…

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Social Media effect on the Champagne industry (Twitter).

28th December 2013

Having recently created a leaderboard style league table for Champagne labels actively using Twitter, I have seen how many of the top brands and smaller houses have embraced social media and the efforts that some are and indeed aren’t putting in to communicate with their target audiences. Leaderboard for Champagne: Studying Twitter, we see that…

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Renovate This – Just Launched – Social Media.

28th December 2013

The idea behind our new service/website was actually born from personal experience. A few years ago we were personally looking for a renovation property that we could renovate over time due to the increase in house prices. Unfortunately it seemed very difficult to find such properties without any cost. At the time, and as it…

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Creative Social Media Campaign Ideas for Christmas.

28th December 2013

Now that Christmas is well and truely appearing on the horizon, if not for same staring them straight in the face, we need to tak a quick look at how you can use social media for Christmas marketing campaings. Here are some tips on how social media can increase your brand presence and SEO over…

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