Rent Reporting Services: How Landlords Can Help Tenants Build Credit

By Marketme | 20th September 2024

For many tenants, the idea of building a strong credit score feels out of reach. Sure, they might pay their rent on time every month, but unlike a mortgage or car loan, rent payments don’t typically count towards credit. But what if they did? As a landlord, you can actually help tenants build their credit…

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How a Dedicated Fibre Network Can Supercharge Your Business

By Marketme | 19th September 2024

In today’s world, where every second counts, businesses can’t afford to be slowed down by sluggish internet speeds or unreliable connections. Imagine trying to have an important video call that keeps cutting out or downloading large files only to watch the progress bar crawl. Frustrating, right? This is where a dedicated fibre network comes in,…

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Serviced Offices: The Future of Flexible Business Spaces

By Marketme | 13th September 2024

The way we work has shifted dramatically over the past few years. Remote working, hybrid setups, and flexible hours are now the norm, and businesses are adapting to these changes by rethinking their office spaces. Enter serviced offices—fully equipped, ready-to-use spaces that offer flexibility and convenience without the headaches of long-term commitments or hefty overhead…

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12 Reasons why WordPress is so popular

By Marketme | 26th October 2014

There are many Content Management Systems, both Free and Proprietary. Amongst all WordPress is notorious for powering the world’s most beautiful websites. Here are 10 reasons why WordPress is so popular! It’s Free The WordPress Software is written in a PHP free script and licensed from GNU. People are not required to spend even a…

How Web Design Companies Can Keep You Out of Trouble?

By Marketme | 26th October 2014

If you are a small business owner and want to improve your overall sales and profitability, it is essential to find the right web design company, which will give your website that much needed edge over the competition. A quality website will not only carry a captivating design, it will be well structured and engage…

Do SEO tactics have a shelf life

By Marketme | 26th October 2014

SEO changes at a fairly rapid pace and the challenge for most businesses is to keep up with the latest developments in order to ensure a steady stream of traffic to a website. In order to make this task easier and to help increase competitiveness, SEO tactics that offer businesses the chance to get ahead…

Have you ever wondered why your email marketing is not working?

By Marketme | 26th October 2014

The basic principle of digital marketing and email marketing is to bring content and share value and useful information to others. The greatest expectation we have about email marketing, is to be opened, read and eventually engage our prospects in a variety of different ways. The purpose of email is to build and grow relationships…

Really, it’s not just about the sky-high salary

By Marketme | 22nd October 2014

So how long’s a piece of string? Whatever length you want to make it. Cute, and obvious. But the answer neatly illustrates why trying to explain the reasons expats choose to live and work anywhere but in their home countries is a rather futile question in the first place. The truth is expats live and…

Why Social Media is Essential for Business.

By Marketme | 22nd October 2014

In the last 5 years we have seen Social Media change and grow. Before they were seen as a novelty for the masses to air their private life and politics, but now their importance is seen by marketers. Businesses have finally realised that Social Media is the new newspaper when it comes to advertising. Just…

Understanding the future of Content Marketing.

By Marketme | 22nd October 2014

Have the words Content Marketing been circulating around your comms team? There’s no more producing content for contents sake, it’s time to listen to your customers and keep them on side.  When I talk about Content Marketing I simply mean creating the best content you can to service your customers needs, values and behaviour. Many businesses are…

Social Media following vs Google Ranking for Business.

By Marketme | 17th October 2014

Just how important is your social media following and can it be as or more important than your Google ranking? Certainly in today’s fast moving and mobile internet accessing crazed environment, your presence on fast sharing social news platforms is increasing in importance, especially if you are a business. More and more internet users are…

How to use Pinterest

By Marketme | 17th October 2014

I’m a visual person. My eye is immediately caught by images, colours, something that draws me in and leads me to read more, to click, to comment, or to share. I’m exactly the kind of person that Pinterest was created for. Pinterest is essentially a visual pin-board. If you are one of those people that…

5 Tips for a Successful Direct Mail Campaign

By Marketme | 14th October 2014

Despite the growing prevalence of Internet marketing, direct mail campaigns are still proving to be as successful as ever at engaging with consumers and attracting new business. Unfortunately, a lacklustre campaign can actually be counter-productive and lead to a lack of trust and respect amongst the very people you’re trying to engage with. Following these…

What is the value of your Social Media following?

By Marketme | 12th October 2014

Can you really put a valuation on the size of the following or likes you receive on social media? Every time your mobile pins to alert you of a new connection, are you simply increasing the value of your presence online? Or is it just an ego trip so you can add it in to…

Whistl: Changing the Delivery Game for SME’s

By Marketme | 10th October 2014

Whenever we think of economic growth, are thoughts are usually drawn to large scale corporations and big business deal. This reflects a serious misconception, however, as  Barack Obama and David Cameron have both alluded to the fact that small and medium sized enterprises are central to long-term economic growth. Such a bold statement can certainly…