YouTube: Time wasting, or superhero?
Have you ever thought about using YouTube to marketing your business? What part does it play a part in helping you sell more? I bet I have a different answer to you! Yes, I know it’s meant to be the really big thing of 2014, but do you really think it works? Is YouTube marketing…
How to use social media if you have a ‘boring’ product.
We all see it, either companies that are seen as boring struggling to post interesting content, or bare facebook pages and twitter timelines because who the hell cares about cheese crackers. To be fair, Energizer and Ritz actually support the arguemnt that most companies, no matter how dull the product seems, can post relevant content…
Building effective Twitter connections.
Like receiving a five match ban, Twitter follow limits are frustrating. How can you possibly continue building effective twitter connections? Leadamo Academy talks twitter limits and building effective twitter connections Some of you might have reached a Twitter follower limit. Have a look at your account. What’s the ratio of following to followers? That can…
Chapatis and Twitter are part of doing business.
After scanning my Twitter timeline which is now a regular part of my daily routine I noticed a tweet from @MattNavarraUK saying that it was Twitter’s 8th Birthday so you can discover your very first tweet. Like lots of other cool things I’ve found on social media, I gave it a whirl. I was pleasantly…
Should you invest more time in a company blog or Twitter?
Should you invest more time in a company blog or Twitter? A question I have seen banded about of late, is whether or not Twitter is the best way forward for brands to connect with their consumers, or whether the blog is the best platform for making that connection. Surely, the answer is both? Why…
Youtube: If a picture can paint a thousand words, how many more can video?
As the UK’s first reality property app raises $500,000 capital the question posed is whether 3D imagery is a future marketing solution for Estate Agents? It has been known for a number of years that social media is a great way to boost your online property exposure, with many Estate Agents choosing to use networking…
What does Turkey’s Twitter trouble tell us?
This is an unusual Leadamo Academy post as it strays slightly outside its usual remit of offering helpful hints and tips about twitter. What does Turkey’s twitter trouble tell us? Not that we are straying far from twitter it’s just this time we are considering social media as a much bigger entity. Why? Well it’s…
Facebook for B2C: Plan your attack!
There’s a lot of negative press when it comes to using Facebook for business. In this post, I’ll be looking at both Facebook fan pages, also known as business pages and personal profiles. Personal accounts and fan pages can be incredibly useful for relationship marketing and networking, but both require a completely different approach. As…
Social Media Stickers for your Business.
Just how important for shop owners is it that they maximise fully every square inch of their window space? Having a place on the high street incurs many businesses high costs from rent to rates so to really see ROI from your window space you need to be clever with what you display and the…
Why Social Media Matters To Your Brand.
If we make our customers unhappy in real life, they might each tell up to six people. However, if we make them unhappy on social media/internet they can each tell up to six thousand people. This means that social media matters most to any brand. The infographic below by B3 Multimedia shows customers spend 22 percent…
How to Make Your Own Social Media Wall?
More and more companies are using a social media wall to share updates in their offices, shops, restaurants, at events, and elsewhere. A social media wall lets businesses show several streams from different networks all on one screen. They can select from which networks they want to show messages, photos, videos, follows, likes and other…
Deleting your Facebook account – is it really gone?
Facebook is still hands down the most popular social networking site, with over 1.2 billion active users. But believe it or not, there are those who wish to end their relationship with the site. Facebook gives these people two options: deactivation or deletion. Deleting your account means you no longer have access to your Facebook…