
How to Build a Great Content Marketing Team

16th December 2014

Too many cooks spoil the broth but many hands make light work, so say two of the most familiar, yet conflicting, of old Chinese proverbs. When it comes to building a content marketing team however, which indubitably any successful business will need to do at some point, you can do a lot worse than to…

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Social Media for Small Businesses

9th December 2014

Reaching hundreds of millions of people with limited overheads, a well-considered social media campaign can become a cornerstone of a successful marketing push for small businesses and start-ups. Offering tighter control over brand image, a social media campaign must be developed intelligently to produce beneficial results for a small business. Here we offer a few…

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What on earth can I blog about?

8th December 2014

I had an interesting conversation about blogging on Twitter this morning……… By now, everyone reading this should understand the potential power of a blog; how it can inform, assist, raise questions and challenge opinions. I have certainly got a deeper appreciation of it since I started creating content for clients and writing guest blogs for…

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Santa Has a Range of Commercial Flooring in His Sack This Year

2nd December 2014

The type of flooring you choose for your business can affect several aspects of its operation. Whether you work in an office environment, a busy kitchen or on the shop floor of a factory, you need to know that the flooring you provide your employees is durable, safe and reliable. Not only that, the type…

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Telephone Answering.

1st December 2014

Telephone answering is a key part to any business, I mean, where would you be without a telephone, or more importantly, how would you have personal conversations with clients or customers? Many people choose the telephone as the first port of call when trying to contact a business because it warrants an immediate and personal…

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Relocate with serviced apartments

28th November 2014

Europe is the second largest market for serviced apartments in the world, coming second to the USA. Whilst the market for serviced apartments is still relatively new – around 20 years old – it has taken the world by storm and due to the sheer volume of professionals looking for a serviced apartment, it’s a…

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Ello? Is there a future in Social Media?

26th November 2014

So a couple of weeks ago I got to join ‘Ello’ the new Social Media Network that promises to never sell your data or to place advertising onto its pages. A clever strategy in a world that is becoming increasingly wary of how our personal data is being used and abused by marketing devils.  …

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Three social media must dos before your next customer meeting.

24th November 2014

Social media should mean you can go to your next customer meeting more prepared than ever before. Being better prepared will nearly always translate into better sales. Here’s my checklist of 3 social media actions you ‘must do’ before you walk into a customer meeting: 1. Find their profile on LinkedIn Most people have a LinkedIn profile these days…

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To Blog or Not To Blog, Why Bother?

24th November 2014

I saw a man about a blog yesterday, and the good news is that as it is my pet subject (sorry about the pun), he wants me to write a couple of blogs a month for him. It could go up to four blogs in the future. Lots of people like blogs; it’s a place…

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What not to do on social media.

23rd November 2014

Social media is relatively built on freedom of speech and indeed it works well when there is a host of news and topics floating about on all the varied platforms for people to distribute, comment on and share. When it comes to business, we have to think alittle different when it comes to using social…

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10 reasons to digitise your documents NOW

20th November 2014

Technology has come on leaps and bounds in recent years with both the internet and modern gadgets making office management a lot easier than it used to be. Digitising documents, for instance, is something many companies take for granted these days, but here are ten reasons why it’s absolutely crucial and certainly worth thinking about…

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How To Build A Social Media Sales Funnel From Scratch

20th November 2014

At a recent speaking engagement I was privileged to spend some quality time chatting to a number of small business owners after the event, and one of the biggest questions that they wanted answering is “How do I find the right leads on social, and how do I turn them into customers?” I sat down…

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