
Surprising Facts About Social Media

22nd September 2014

Social media has been part of our lives now for well over a decade. But while it’s integrated into our everyday routines in almost seamless fashion, we’re left wondering if there’s anything we don’t already know about it. Pay attention to what occasionally crops up about titans like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the rest however,…

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The power of social media

22nd September 2014

There were two interesting examples of social media in action last week, quite different in scope and outcome, but equally powerful demonstrations of the power of user-generated content. The first relates to the referendum for the independence of Scotland, and the second is a response to an act of homophobic violence on the streets of Philadelphia.…

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How technology has created a trend of working from home

22nd September 2014

For many years, the global economy has operated upon the simple principle of employers and employees making their way to the office on a daily basis during the week to carry out their respective duties and responsibilities. Working in an office allows a company to function effectively, with everyone together in the same building to…

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Rise in Social Media Causes Increase in Online Gaming…

22nd September 2014

The rise of the social networking has heavily influenced the online gaming community. According to an article on WhaTech over 200 million people worldwide play social games on platforms such as Facebook every month, and the social gaming market is expected to keep on growing. By 2019 the value of the social gaming market is…

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How Images Improve Your Social Media Marketing

21st September 2014

  Images are ideal. Do you use visuals in your social media marketing? Are you wondering how you can use images to take your marketing to a whole new level? The push toward visual content has plenty of anecdotal evidence—as you browse the streams on Twitter and Facebook, you’re likely to see images all over.…

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Becoming an Influencer on Twitter.

17th September 2014

Twitter was born in 2006. Since then, and especially in recent years, the social media platform has rocket launched into one of the most heavily used sites on the Internet, serving as a great place to network, advertise and share. Twitter is a worthwhile place to set your roots – for both businesses and individuals…

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Solaborate expansion and the unique features that differentiate it from other Social Medias

15th September 2014

Solaborate is another Social Media added to the list of many others out there. Solaborate was founded in 2012 by Labinot Bytyqi who has been involved in the technology sector for many years. He noticed many gaps in this sector, something that pushed him to start this whole new idea and urged him to create…

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4 Niche Social Networks Every Marketer Should Know About:

15th September 2014

As a marketing specialist, you’re probably aware of the incredible potential behind social media. What might come as a surprise is that the web is rich in niche social networks that don’t appear in mainstream media. Social media is not just about Facebook, Twitter or Instagram – there are lots of digital outlets and interest…

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How You Can Overdo Your Company’s Social Media Presence

10th September 2014

Believe it or not, but you may actually overdo the social media presence of your company. Potential customers will not find you an attractive pick when flooded with dozens of Facebook posts each day, trying to break through your tweets in search of something valuable or having you pop onto their screen every time they…

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SME Marketing Tips 2014

10th September 2014

If you have a start-up or a small business, you will know that marketing is essential for increasing awareness of your brand, generating income and ensuring continued success. After all, it doesn’t matter how great your company is, if people aren’t aware of it. With marketing being essential for a company’s success, it is important…

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The Rise Of Online Videos.

8th September 2014

What to Watch: The Rise of Online Videos They can make you laugh out loud, cry, smile, scream, wince or wonder. When it comes to provoking emotions nothing beats a good video. When boredom creeps in we no longer flick through the TV channels, instead we rely on videos posted on social media sites to…

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Social Stalking.

8th September 2014

Are your digital curtains closed? It’s an old crime in a new technological world, you no longer need a trench coat and a pair of binoculars to be a stalker these days. A smart phone and good Wi Fi speed should do the trick. It’s not acceptable to follow someone in real life or ‘poke’…

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