
Paid Followers and Fans – What is the point? (I’ll give you a clue there isn’t any)

6th May 2014

I was discussing what we do with a peer the other day as we drove to a networking meeting together . She is a huge advocate of what we do and had some advice for me. She told me to stop selling social media, “You guys are growing people’s businesses, using social media. You aren’t…

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7 Tips to Kick Start Your Social Media Pages

6th May 2014

I am hearing more and more about the importance of Social Media throughout my business network. Some business owners seem to embrace the use of Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn etc whereas others seem to doubt it’s value. Marketing experts will tell you creating brand awareness and finding customers through Social Media is not always easy,…

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Chosen by Theo Paphitis #SBS – Award winner on Twitter.

5th May 2014

If you are following @Rugglesleisure on any of our social media channels, you may have noticed that I was a little excited on the evening of Monday 14th April.  Since re-branding our hot tub showroom in Gloucester, I have religiously sent a tweet to Theo Paphitis (ex-Dragon from Dragons Den, Chairman of Rymans, Robert Dyas…

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3 Ways to Make Your Facebook Posts Pop in the Newsfeed

5th May 2014

With multiple brands participating on Facebook, along with advertisements, friends and an overwhelming amount of information, competition for the attention of your followers is higher than ever. What do you do in response? Do you accept the fact that not everyone will see what you have to share and continue in your current efforts? Absolutely…

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The Importance of Building Strong Human Connections with Your Brand in Social Media Platforms

4th May 2014

One of the best things about social media platforms and networking, is that people (or customers) are becoming more real, more involved and as such are willing to reveal more about themselves. The dominance of various social media platforms in our daily lives, apparently show that more and more people (and as such potential customers)…

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Some Tips that will Help to Supercharge Your Social Media Marketing.

3rd May 2014

“Marketers now recognize the opportunity presented by social media with 86% indicating that it is important for their business”. Don’t be afraid to address topics that consumers truly care about such as prices, complaints, problems, questions, suggestions and feedback – By being responsive to topics relevant to your potential clients/customers will engage them with your brand…

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How Video Killed the Radio Star: The Social Impact of Youtube for Your Brand

1st May 2014

If a picture tells 1,000 thousand words, how many words does a video say? The short answer is: a lot. That’s why video content is dominating the Internet – and why YouTube has grown to become the second largest search engine in the world – behind only its parent company Google, and ahead of Bing,…

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Know thy followers

29th April 2014

Do you really know your followers on Twitter? One great way to find out a bit about them in a quick and refreshing way is to create a “Who’s who” list of your followers, ranked according to influence. That way the most important followers are at the top of the pile. Knowing more about your…

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Twitter images for beginners

29th April 2014

Twitter images; do you have them covered? If you have been experimenting with using Twitter images you might want to learn how to attach a picture that actually generates a reaction. You might have thought all images are equal but you’d be wrong. Some are definitely more equal than others and a PhD researcher has…

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Social Media: Are you doing it right?

29th April 2014

As the online world continues to dominate the business world, more and more businesses are turning to the benefits of social media as an effective marketing strategy. But there’s more to social media than just setting up a Facebook page and expecting the customers to come rolling in – here are a few tips on…

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