How Social Media Can Turn Luxury Relationships Into Performative Partnerships

By Marketme | 13th March 2025

TL;DR: Observing luxury relationships on social media motivates ordinary people to become more successful, but it can also make them feel envious. Wealthy individuals increasingly seek validation on social media, potentially reducing a relationship based on passion and exclusivity to a performative partnership. Luxury used to be the prerogative of a select few, defined by…

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The Easy Guide to Boosting Sales in Your Retail Store

By Marketme | 11th March 2025

Boosting sales in your retail store doesn’t always require complicated plans or huge investments. Often, it’s all about examining your basics and making strategic improvements to increase customer satisfaction, transaction values, and repeat visits. We’ll discuss some practical and easy steps you can take to increase your sales and grow your retail business. Create a…

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3 Tips for Selecting the Right Packaging Solutions for Your Needs

By Marketme | 5th March 2025

If you are reading this, there is are high chance that your business involves packaging. Whether you package short-term items for your clients or need them well-safeguarded for long transitions, you must ensure that your choice serves its purpose. In this article, we will explore some quick tips to help you settle on the most…

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How to become one of the Highly Recommended Brands On #SocialMedia.

By Marketme | 29th December 2013

How to harness the power of social media to increase brand exposure is a frequently researched topic and one that many businesses continually search the answer for across the internet. What must be understood in social media and those who’ve been in business for a while will understand, is that good business is built on…

When is the best time of day to update Social Media?

By Marketme | 29th December 2013

Is it really important what time of day or even day of the week that you are updating your social media account with content? Social media is 24/7 with tweeting, posting on Facebook, uploading videos to YouTube or pinning to Pinterest happening constantly and at an increasing frequency. So, how do you decide when is the…

Prices for Social Media Management – How much does it cost?

By Marketme | 29th December 2013

It seems that more and more people in business are starting to realize that social media, though free to set up and use, really does not do much unless you put a lot into it and that means time, effort and knowledge. Many companies these days are either outsourcing social media management to expert marketing…

How to use Social Media effectively.

By Marketme | 29th December 2013

When people dream of success from a social media campaign they think about going viral, grabbing the attention of thousands or even millions of people at a very low cost or totally free by chance (AKA Charlie Bit My Finger). The real side of social media is that not every Facebook update or Tweet on Twitter…

Facts about Facebook 2013.

By Marketme | 29th December 2013

Let’s face it, you see Facebook everywhere and anywhere from your desk top computer at work to mobile phones on the train home, but just how popular is this social media platform. Here are some interesting facts from 2013 about Facebook: Every 20 minutes, there are almost 2 million status updates. Now over 1,15 billion active…

Amazing facts about Social Media 2013.

By Marketme | 29th December 2013

Social Media now needs no introduction and to add to it’s ever increasing popularity here are some interesting and amazing facts taken from Google search about what is happening out there in 2013. 80% of total Pinterest’s pins are re-pins. There are over 1 billion LinkedIn endorsements. Over 20 million user accounts on Twitter are…

How much time should I dedicate to Social Media?

By Marketme | 29th December 2013

Many would advise to dedicate as much as you can and also allow for spending budgets too in order to accumulate as much following and interaction as possible. But looking at micro to SME size businesses the scenario usually is both time and marketing investment money poor. What then is the right amount of time…

How to Run a Successful Social Media Marketing Campaign.

By Marketme | 29th December 2013

A common question that we get asked is: How do I run a successful social media campaign? Social media marketing for business is using the power of platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin in order to advertise / promote your brand. You are able to collate target audiences across these social sites meaning that…

Ways to Turn Social Media Fans Into Raving, Loyal Customers!

By Marketme | 29th December 2013

Any good marketing person will tell you that your brand and it’s values are vital to your business success. Across Social Media you are able to convey your business message to millions and turn customers from happy ones in to raving fans. Raving Fans? This term is used for people who are in love with…

So just who is Tweeting for @MarketmeTV??

By Marketme | 29th December 2013

As the following on Twitter for @MarketmeTV is rapidly growing and our interaction is increasing daily, we have been asked a few times as to just who is the person(s) behind the account. As our involvement is very much full time to include Tweeting evenings and weekend, we have three main faces to the Twitter…