How Handheld RFID Readers Are Revolutionizing Inventory Management

By Marketme | 25th September 2024

Let’s be real—inventory management can be a hassle. Whether you’re managing a small boutique or a sprawling warehouse, keeping track of stock is one of those never-ending tasks that can feel like pulling teeth. But what if there was a way to make it not only easier but much more efficient? That’s where handheld RFID…

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How to Successfully Rebrand Your Social Media Without Losing Followers

By Marketme | 24th September 2024

ebranding your social media can feel like walking a tightrope. You want to freshen up your look and appeal to a new audience, but you don’t want to alienate your loyal followers. It’s a balancing act, and the stakes are high. So, how do you rebrand effectively without losing the people who’ve been with you…

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Rent Reporting Services: How Landlords Can Help Tenants Build Credit

By Marketme | 20th September 2024

For many tenants, the idea of building a strong credit score feels out of reach. Sure, they might pay their rent on time every month, but unlike a mortgage or car loan, rent payments don’t typically count towards credit. But what if they did? As a landlord, you can actually help tenants build their credit…

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Disaster Recovery (DR) Is A Vital Step For Businesses

By Marketme | 15th December 2020

Disaster recovery (DR) is a process of restoring lost data, applications, and systems after a profound data loss event such as a natural disaster, deliberate data breach, or employee negligence. In line with the aforementioned, privacy has become one of the issues that usually concern us most and the loss of data in a company…

A Guide to Keeping Cross-Contamination to a Minimum

By Marketme | 12th December 2020

In the food and beverage industry, it is incredibly important that all companies work to keep their cross-contamination to a minimum. There is always the chance that a product could cause a severe allergic reaction that would have serious consequences for the business. Here is a guide to help keep cross-contamination to a minimum in…

The Perks Of A Tactical Rebrand

By Marketme | 12th December 2020

If it’s never too late to change your personal identity, then it’s never too late to change your brand identity either! Rebranding can come with a lot of amazing perks, from helping you ease better into your desired market to even just reigniting your passion for your business. Of course, there are also numerous perks…

4 Ways to Make Your Business More Appealing to Customers

By Marketme | 12th December 2020

Owning a successful business involves dealing with numerous things. However, one of the most important aspects is to continually remain appealing to your employees, your customers, investors, and the community around you. No matter how good the product or service you are offering, unless your business is appealing, stands out from the competition, and you…

3 Great Marketing Strategies for Independent Acts

By Marketme | 12th December 2020

A lot of artists decide to go the independent route these days, and there has never been a better time in the history of the music industry when it was easier to do so. Easier doesn’t mean easy, however, and for every independent artist that breaks through, thousands fail. While building a fanbase in a…

How To Make Your Company Go Viral

By Marketme | 12th December 2020

Going viral is rarely something you can wholly plan for, as there’s always an element of luck at work to some degree. However, there are certainly a few things you can do that better your chances of getting your firm’s name well and truly out there. That said, it’s a process centred around building a…

4 Ways To Get Your Business To Stand Out

By Marketme | 10th December 2020

With so many small businesses out there, if you want yours to be a success then you have to get it to stand out from the crowd. But that can be difficult when every other company is doing the same, they’re all fighting to be seen and shouting to be heard, so what can you…

5 Reasons To Outsource Your IT

By Marketme | 9th December 2020

Remote businesses are popping up all over the place right now. The pandemic this year has changed the way that businesses are working, and working from home has become the new normal. This has triggered a lot of necessary changes for companies in the way that they work – and the way that their employees…

Keeping Your Business Going Through These Tough Times

By Marketme | 9th December 2020

Times are uncertain, and a lot of businesses are having trouble right now. It might be the case that you are one of these businesses, and you’re trying to work out how you can keep your company going at the moment. It might not be easy, and it may require you to make a fair…

How To Make Your Website A Hit The Nearly Everyone Who Visits

By Marketme | 8th December 2020

Websites are so important in this day and age when it comes to the likes of making a good impression and with the marketing side of your work. If the website is lackluster or, worse, non-existent, then people aren’t going to be too impressed with you. The title says ‘nearly everyone,’ and that’s for a…

Online Marketing Strategies

By Marketme | 4th December 2020

The growth of the Internet has been exponential. This multifaceted communication tool has revolutionized the ways we live, work, and communicate. Furthermore, it has influenced the way brands develop and communicate with customers. With such a powerful technology at their disposal, it’s no wonder businesses, and brands have diversified the way they advertise and communicate…