
Finding the balance ~ How to succeed with Estate Agency Social Media.

30th December 2013

Outsourcing your social media to a specialist Estate Agency Social Media Company might be a growing trend as trying to do everything yourself is just not possible and as your following on the likes of  Twitter and Facebook increase, you need to keep theses audiences entertained on a daily basis. Estate Agency digital marketing is…

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Is now the right time for Social Media for Estate Agents – Why choose Marketme?

30th December 2013

The best place to start is to find out what’s in it for you as an Estate Agency: Free two week trial with Marketme, no contractual sign up needed or payment details and we also provide you with an end report to showcase what we have achieved and how Social Media worked for your agency.…

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Blog writing for Estate Agents – New service from Marketme!

30th December 2013

We understand the importance for Estate Agents to be seen across the internet, as part of our multi award winning social media management, we gain agents across the UK extra exposure using the likes of Facebook and Twitter to build target audiences and drive traffic through to agency websites. Part of being seen on line…

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Social Media Raising Brand Awareness for Property Portals.

29th December 2013

Social-Media Raising Brand Awareness for Property Portals Do you use social-media platforms in business? As a property portal our social-media interaction and marketing campaign has been on-going since we launched in Nov 2012. Our team have blogged, Tweeted,  Facebooked, YouTubed, Pinned, Google +’d, Linkedin and generally immersed ourselves in a world of social media since…

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Renovate This – Just Launched – Social Media.

28th December 2013

The idea behind our new service/website was actually born from personal experience. A few years ago we were personally looking for a renovation property that we could renovate over time due to the increase in house prices. Unfortunately it seemed very difficult to find such properties without any cost. At the time, and as it…

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