Rent Reporting Services: How Landlords Can Help Tenants Build Credit

By Marketme | 20th September 2024

For many tenants, the idea of building a strong credit score feels out of reach. Sure, they might pay their rent on time every month, but unlike a mortgage or car loan, rent payments don’t typically count towards credit. But what if they did? As a landlord, you can actually help tenants build their credit…

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How a Dedicated Fibre Network Can Supercharge Your Business

By Marketme | 19th September 2024

In today’s world, where every second counts, businesses can’t afford to be slowed down by sluggish internet speeds or unreliable connections. Imagine trying to have an important video call that keeps cutting out or downloading large files only to watch the progress bar crawl. Frustrating, right? This is where a dedicated fibre network comes in,…

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Serviced Offices: The Future of Flexible Business Spaces

By Marketme | 13th September 2024

The way we work has shifted dramatically over the past few years. Remote working, hybrid setups, and flexible hours are now the norm, and businesses are adapting to these changes by rethinking their office spaces. Enter serviced offices—fully equipped, ready-to-use spaces that offer flexibility and convenience without the headaches of long-term commitments or hefty overhead…

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5 ways social media is revolutionizing the healthcare industry

By Marketme | 29th April 2016

Over the past few years, social media has surprised many by progressively becoming a huge game changer in the healthcare industry. At first reluctant to its use, the medical sector has finally embraced social media and its great potential in better reaching patients and professionals as well as building brand awareness. Informing better According to…

Why Business Owners Shouldn’t Forget the Importance of Offline Marketing

By Marketme | 21st April 2016

The majority of businesses generally use online and digital marketing strategies for their marketing efforts. When setting up a marketing campaign, business owners and marketers tend to jump straight into digital advertisements, social media marketing, blogging, search engine optimisation, local search and the list could go on. It’s not surprising as these marketing tools are…

[HowTo] Customer Success Tracking for Social Media Trainers

By Marketme | 21st April 2016

Customer Success Tracking is a new term that’s super applicable to the world of social media training. To understand it, let’s break it down: “Customer Success” means your customers being successful – reaping the promised rewards of your service. “Tracking” means keeping track of their social media activity and condensing it into a meaningful report So, “Customer Success Tracking” is…

4 Ways for Startups to Attract and Retain Top Talent

By Marketme | 18th April 2016

When you need talented people to achieve your objectives as a startup it can be tricky to find the right people. Luring the best talent in to work for an unknown brand takes some special incentives, as does convincing people that putting that special effort in that an unproven company needs will be worth it…

Tips for Launching a Business in London

By Marketme | 15th April 2016

It can be one of the most intimidating moments of your life, venturing out onto your own and starting your own business. However, it can also be one the most exciting and thrilling moments as well. It is all about breaking new ground and giving your idea the best possible platform. There are hundreds of…

Online Marketing – Everyone’s Gone Social

By Marketme | 15th April 2016

No matter where you turn or what type of business you are running, it is important to understand just how beneficial social media marketing can be. Most of the developed world and a good portion of developing countries are online and where are they most of the time? That’s right, on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and…

Effective Ways to Make Money with Your WordPress Website

By Marketme | 13th April 2016

Long gone are the days when you had to hire an expensive website designer to build and add content to your website. WordPress has changed the way businesses and individuals publish content and has also provided business opportunities that did not exist a few years ago. Below are some of the most effective ways to…

How a Supplier Portal Can Make Managing Vital Supplier Relationships Easier

By Marketme | 7th April 2016

For many businesses, relationships with suppliers are as vital as those with customers or clients. Whether your suppliers are your source for the products you ultimately sell, or simply provide the things you need internally to operate, a good relationship means stability, transparency, consistency, and of course the best deals, but gaining and maintaining this…

The Gaudi Tour

By Marketme | 7th April 2016

Antoni Gaudi was an genious Barcelona architect in the 1900’s. Gaudi was known to use nature as his main source of inspiration. Gaudi is an architectural legend in Barcelona, and seven of his buildings have been declared as World Heritage Sites. If you are interested in seeing Gaudi’s infamous work, then check out this Gaudi…

3 Tips to Make Your House the Perfect Airbnb

By Marketme | 7th April 2016

Do you live in a big house and have one or more empty rooms? Maybe you have a second home you never visit. If you want to make some extra cash, you should consider putting your house, or an extra room, on websites, such as Airbnb, for people to rent for a few days or…