Rent Reporting Services: How Landlords Can Help Tenants Build Credit

By Marketme | 20th September 2024

For many tenants, the idea of building a strong credit score feels out of reach. Sure, they might pay their rent on time every month, but unlike a mortgage or car loan, rent payments don’t typically count towards credit. But what if they did? As a landlord, you can actually help tenants build their credit…

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How a Dedicated Fibre Network Can Supercharge Your Business

By Marketme | 19th September 2024

In today’s world, where every second counts, businesses can’t afford to be slowed down by sluggish internet speeds or unreliable connections. Imagine trying to have an important video call that keeps cutting out or downloading large files only to watch the progress bar crawl. Frustrating, right? This is where a dedicated fibre network comes in,…

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Serviced Offices: The Future of Flexible Business Spaces

By Marketme | 13th September 2024

The way we work has shifted dramatically over the past few years. Remote working, hybrid setups, and flexible hours are now the norm, and businesses are adapting to these changes by rethinking their office spaces. Enter serviced offices—fully equipped, ready-to-use spaces that offer flexibility and convenience without the headaches of long-term commitments or hefty overhead…

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New Gluten Free Snack Bar From Fatherson Bakery 

By Oliver Walkey | 7th May 2019

Homemade baking has never been more in vogue – and now you can simply enjoy (or pass off as you own!) Fatherson Bakery’s new sumptuous gluten-free snack bars.   A scrumptious new range of gluten free snack bars has been launched by the award winning Fatherson Bakery – renowned for creating delicious food made with…

Best Slot Game Developers

By Marketme | 7th May 2019

The online gambling industry has never been more healthy. Just take a look at some of the newest gambling sites, Star Slots for example, is a great up and coming brand to play slots at.   Thousands of people are playing, gambling and winning online every single day, up and down the country, all around…

7 Days To Transform Your Life

By Oliver Walkey | 1st May 2019

Everything Around You Is Within You “This is the self-help book for people who are desperate to improve where they live and work. In this focused 7-day guide, Cathi assists you to:” Let go of your clutter. Let go of the invisible space patterns around you. Learn to meditate. Identify the life you want. Code…

5 timesaving tips for holistic beauty experts

By Marketme | 30th April 2019

How long have you been doing what you do? Holistic beauty therapy can be about helping people to sustain the peace of mind that lets them make the most of their time – but what about yours? We’ve put together a few simple tips that could save you precious seconds, minutes and hours every working…

How To Prepare Your Home For Sale

By Marketme | 30th April 2019

We’re now moving into peak home sales season but even with the arrival of the warmer weather and the knowledge that many buyers will be hoping to have completed their home purchase with time to move on their own terms, so to speak, during the school holidays, it’s still highly recommended to put a little…

How Technology is Transforming Lifestyle

By Marketme | 24th April 2019

We feel like technology has not been appreciated enough for the past years. People are so comfortable with where they are and change is not an option for them. From the time that technology really kicked in people have been bashing it. We will not point any fingers but instead highlight to you what it…

5 Ways to Promote Your Miniature Golf Course

By Marketme | 23rd April 2019

Are you looking to diversify your income by investing in a miniature golf course? A miniature golf course is aesthetically appealing, as your local clientele will find it attractive and want to visit more often. But owning a miniature golf course alone is not going to automatically bring in all the customers that you need…

Picking The Best Online Slot For You

By Marketme | 22nd April 2019

Making decisions in life are always difficult, especially when the options are great. Over the past decade technological advancements have allowed the gambling industry to expand their services online in incredible fashion. Just take a look at Dream Jackpot, an excellent online casino available to players around the world with just one click. This expansion…

What is and how to become a Social Media Influencer

By Christopher Walkey | 14th April 2019

The term social media influencer is becoming a more and more popular descriptive for some of the more well known faces / accounts on social media. We see headlines with this term on that include both negative and positive themes, we hear big monies earned and stardom reached thanks to certain accounts that we can…