Social Media Expectations for 2014 #3
Prior to 2014 kicking in I highlighted on my blog that I had 4 expectations for social media in the new year & that I would delve a little further into each of them throughout January. You can read the first 2 posts here & here & this is the third, all about Google+. My…
Further Evidence That Guest Posting Is Social Not SEO
Just last week, I wrote on Market Me about why guest posting should be considered as part of a social strategy and, as if by magic, the industry as a whole has seen further evidence of this over the past few days. On Monday evening (UK time), head of web spam at Google, Matt Cutts,…
Tips for art centres and museums on social media:
Tips for art centres and museums on social media: There are various ways museums advertise, such as through newspapers and online advertising. However, in order to reach the younger generation, they need to target them through a more modern device – social media. Social media is a great way for people to express their creative…
How to Ensure Repurposing Content is Worthwhile.
A controversial topic amongst marketers globally is the idea of reworking or moulding an existing piece of content, be it blog, video or infographic into another form or media type to re-distribute. There are those that coin this concept as ‘lazy’ however, I quite disagree. Why wouldn’t you, where possible save time and energy on…
The Social Media and Blogging Combo.
Social media and blogging go hand in hand. This is undeniable and makes a combination of the two crucial to the success of anyone looking for an effective online presence. Facebook currently has 1.19 billion users and there are roughly 500 million on Twitter. What an audience; what a reach for your business. But, although…
IMPACT, What We Are Not Measuring in Social
The buzzword on everyones lips these days seems to be ‘Social’. No matter where we go or who we talk to, we are encouraged to be ‘Social’ and if we’re not being ‘Social’ then we are an outsider, to be scorned and taunted, a little like being back at school! Social is great and to…
#SBS and why if treated right can do wonders!
Going back to the start of my experience on social media I was more used to LinkedIn and never thought of Twitter as a tool for the business. If not for a conversation with a client, the fab Becs McNeill @becsmcneill instilling some insight during a 1-2-1 that I created a profile and went from…
“This ain’t the movies” – 13+ age limit a requirement NOT a recommendation on Facebook
You know when you go to watch a movie, such as The Parent Trap, or Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone you are greeted with that screen that recommends Parental Guidance for viewers under the age of 13? And then you as a parent use your discretion as to whether your teen is mature enough to watch that…
Twitter tools part 1: Manage and know your followers.
Twitter is great, you can have lots of followers and follow lots of people. You can share content with them and engage. But wait, do you take care of everything? Do you still know who you follow and why? I think you don’t know, because it’s usually growing so fast. You tweet for a few…
One surefire way to get your startup noticed through social media.
Being a startup is much like playing a game of Snakes and Ladders – you can progress on your way, step by painful step, or you can jump a few levels with a good ladder. Of course there are snakes to watch out for too but that’s not an issue when you are starting at…
TV and Twitter – #Abuse or #Banter.
TV and Twitter – #Abuse or #Banter – by Anthony Smith-Chaigneau The Eurovision Song Contest whether you like it or not is one of those annual events that is very divisive. Some people claim it is the best three hours of television in Europe each year, others state that it is an annual cringe-fest best…
Why Guest Blogging Needs To Be Part Of Your Social Strategy
Whilst many still regard guest blogging as part of an SEO strategy, as far as I’m concerned, it’s equally as much a part of your social strategy and needs to be regarded in that way by more online marketers! To those of you not familiar with the concept, guest blogging is essentially writing on someone…