Financial Markets and Social Media.
Since the explosion of the internet the financial markets have now opened up to everyone who wish to trade to make money, it has become as easy as placing a bet on the horses. It is now possible to trade or invest short term at the touch of a button, whether a profit is gained…
123456: Why are you using this as your password?!
At my recent “Privacy, Safety and Digital Reputation” for parents seminar I discussed passwords, and the importance of keeping them complex to deter hackers. Imagine my shock then, when the very next day, I stumbled upon this Huffington Post article, “Yep, The Most Common Passwords of 2013 Are Kind Of Idiotic.” Basically, this article shared the annual ranking…
Facebook working as part of your marketing strategy (without spending money!).
I often get business women contacting me wanting advice on how to get more people interacting on Facebook. And never one to disappoint I like to share my ideas in a blog to spread the joy that good social media marketing can bring. And that is a perfect place to start. You see many people…
The Secret of Our Social Media Success – A Dog Called Stan.
Times are changing; the way in which we do business is changing. A well respected Agency Trainer who I follow on Twitter tweeted a quote early one morning, it read “I do not believe you can do today’s job with yesterday’s methods and still be in business tomorrow.” For me, this was enough to reinforce…
Why should you write a property blog that gives away free advice to landlords?
They will just read your blog, take your advice and use the cheapest letting agent in town? Some say that most blogs can be more destructive than productive. We live and work in free market economy based on the principles of supply and demand. If no one knows about your lettings agency and more importantly…
Why You Need to Embrace Social Media to Get Ahead in Your Career
Whilst Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and the like are all tools we use in our everyday lives to catch up with friends and family, they have also become important in our career development, particularly when it comes to looking for new jobs. With the whole internet and social media sites at a potential employer’s disposal, it’s…
Vine, It’s not just for Tweens!
Vine, It’s not just for Tweens! One of the newest social medias to take the world by storm is Vine. Tweens and 20-somethings have a whole new outlet for their every non-prophetic thoughts and actions. You’re already scratching your head asking what is Vine and why? Well, more likely than not you’ve already been exposed…
#HashTags #HashTags Everywhere!
#Hashtags! #Hashtags Everywhere! #Weallknow you’ve seen #hashtags on about every #socialmedia website you come across these days with Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook leading the way. You know, those absolutely mind-numbing, hair-pulling, make you want to scream-at-the-top-of-your-lungs posts where literally every word has the pound symbol, (yes, I’m going old school) and you’re pleading with…
WWE laying the Social Smackdown
I write this from my sofa as I wait for the 2014 Royal Rumble. Yes, I’m a wrestling fan! Love it or hate it, it’s pure entertainment & the company are leaders, like, miles ahead of anyone in terms of dominating the world of social media. In September 2013 WWE announced it had reached the…
How Big Data Can Solve Marketers’ Social Engagement Challenges.
How Big Data Can Solve Marketers’ Social Engagement Challenges We mentioned in our 5 Data Predictions for 2014 blog that ‘big data’ was the buzzword of last year, referring to the increasing volume of data captured by an organisation via multimedia channels, social media and the internet. Together, this contributes to the growth in data and…
Managing a community – 3 things you should know
I’ve been working as a community manager for over 5 years now, and managing my own team for the last year. During that time I’ve seen a lot of changes, both in general community and social media management, and the general idea of what a community manager is. Throughout those changes, however, a few things…
What sort of social media account will a landlord have?
Think about it for a second, in a previous post, we decided most landlords were aged 40 to 70, middle class, wore a shirt a tie and had a decent job. I am being very general, but I think that is a fair thing to say. Everyone says you need a social media campaign to…