
Twitter – 10 fun facts through the years.

29th December 2013

Twitter – 10 fun facts. 1) The platform was supposed to be named ‘Twttr’, before they settled on ‘Twitter.’ 2) Every second there are 10 tweets that mention Starbucks! 3) Barack Obama’s victory tweet was retweeted over 800,000 times – the highest number of retweets ever recorded! 4) The average Twitter user has 208 followers…

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Negotiator 2013 Conference Seminar ‘Understand & Build Your Client Base Through #SocialMedia’

29th December 2013

Many thanks to everyone who attended the seminar ‘Understand and build your client base through Social Media’ delivered by Christopher Walkey at the Negotiator Seminars and Expo 2013, Park Lane Hilton Hotel. “Really pleased that so many people booked tickets for this 30 minute quick fire burst of Estate Agency social media information for agents…

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Some Social Marketing Trends for 2014

29th December 2013

Social marketing trends for 2014 1)      Videos – Videos are likely to continue as a top social marketing trend into 2014. With the new video feature on Instagram, it has become popular for brands to create short films showcasing different trends, events and promotions. As social media audiences are now used to this, it is…

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Optimizing Social for Business.

29th December 2013

Optimizing Social for Business Social media is a prevalent and highly discussed topic. Many businesses attempt to use social for business, but fall short of their expectations because they don’t develop a strategy. When used correctly, social media channels can boost your visibility and help you generate new leads. 1. Don’t Assume Every Platform is…

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How does Twitter make its money?

29th December 2013

How does Twitter make its money? Twitter has recently been valued at around $10bn. This massive figure has come from the vast amount of users which has grown so rapidly in the past few years. The majority of its revenue comes from marketing. Companies can promote an account, a tweet, or a trend. This means…

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Chefs on Social Media.

29th December 2013

Chefs on social media Cooking is a great way to link cultures and bring people together. Everyone likes to learn a little more about different recipes and traditions that they can indulge in themselves! Social media allows these connections to be made and chefs to share their work with everyone across the World! So how…

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#ColchesterHour for Business in and around #Colchester #Essex

29th December 2013

#ColchesterHour is a hashtag that runs every Tuesday between 4-5pm on Twitter and was founded by Marketme TV. The purpose behind the hashtag is for businesses, charities, events and those who live in Colchester to share Tweets using #ColchesterHour in order for others to see and share their content within their own network of followers.…

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How do large retailers such as #Forever21 use Facebook and Pinterest?

29th December 2013

How do large retailers such as Forever 21 use Facebook and Pinterest? – Facebook is used by Forever21 by mainly using visuals. Events, trends and promotions are advertised through this – sometimes exclusive to their followers! Forever21 also use Facebook to promote their other platforms, for example their “Love is Free’ Pin it & Win…

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Digital Marketing, including Social Media, to drive Growth in the Food Industry.

29th December 2013

It is widely acknowledged by food and beverage industry executives that technology will be the greatest driver of growth within their industry by findings from KPMG LLP’s 2013 Food and Beverage Industry Outlook survey. The participants that includes 100 USA based execs from brands with annual revenues of 41 billion + conclude that the likes of online…

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Will there be an increase in Social Media Ad Spend In 2014?

29th December 2013

More than half of  advertisers in the USA plan to increase their digital marketing advertisement spend in during 2014, figures supplied from reports by eMarketer, referring to a new survey from Advertiser Perceptions. More and more businesses are looking at social media ads becoming a strong avenue to increase their online presence and new sales leads, 47 %…

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How will Social Media Marketing change in 2014?

29th December 2013

Social media continues to grow and with it attracting larger and larger audiences worldwide. Businesses are constantly working on improving their presence across the major platforms and to figure out how to use them to gain extra online exposure. Companies across the globe within all sectors are looking towards 2014 and  improving their current networks…

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Some amazing Social Media figures, October 2013.

29th December 2013

We all know that social media is increasing in popularity each and every day with some really amazing figures being achieved. Below are some mind blowing figures to give readers an understanding to just how popular social media platforms really are:   Average number of tweets per day on Twitter: 58 Million. Average number of…

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